Text Adventure Literacy Jam - 2022

The Text Adventure Literacy Jam is a parser-based text adventure authoring competition that challenges entrants to "Create a TEXT ADVENTURE game suitable for children with no prior experience.".

News & updates (RSS)


Series: TALP

Official Web site: https://itch.io/jam/talp2022

Organizer(s): Adventuron

Submission deadline: May 2, 2022

Games and Awards

Entrant: Barry Basic and the Speed Daemon, by Dee Cooke
Entrant: Carpathian Vampire, by Garry Francis
Entrant: CC's Road to Stardom, by OK Feather
Entrant: Dessert Island Adventure, by Nils Fagerburg
Entrant: Espiritu Roboto, by Ray Leandro
Entrant: Forgotten Island, by Josh Goebel
Entrant: Grandma's Flying Saucer, by Kenneth Pedersen
Entrant: Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan, by Garry Francis
Entrant: Kobold in Search for Family, by tosxychor
Entrant: Library Quest, by starflame149
Entrant: The Lonely Troll, by Amanda Walker
Entrant: Mermaid Adventure, by Leaflet Games
Entrant: Raspberry Jam, by Sylfir
Entrant: Sindrella's Potions, by Tristin Grizel Dean
Entrant: The Spooky Mansion, by Tim Jacobs
Entrant: Wizard's Club, by Robert Szacki

Update History

v.4: 23-May-2022 12:44 - Garry Francis (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed list of games
v.3: 23-May-2022 12:43 - Garry Francis
Changed description, organizers, list of games
v.2: 23-May-2022 12:33 - Dee Cooke
Changed list of games
 v.1: 3-May-2022 00:00 - nf
Created page