
Results for Jewel of Knowledge
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Quest Adventure

by Kim W. Topley
(2 ratings)

Peter Pan

by N. D. Head

The Legend of Apache Gold

by Peter Torrance
(1 rating)

Pick up the phone booth and Cry

, by Danny Miok (2002)
(3 ratings)

The Pirate's Cave

, by Margaret Anderson (1992)
(2 ratings)

Treasure Island

, by Margaret Anderson (1992)
(2 ratings)

Lair of the Marauders

, by Hoyle Purvis (1991)

The Singular, and Historically Inaccurate, Misadventures of Nobeard: Would-be Scourge of the Caribbean

, by Colm McCarthy (1996)

The Caves of Dyanty

, by Nathan Fritz (1992)
(2 ratings)

Revenge of the Eland

, by Dave Dubin (1986)


, by Andy Phillips (1998)
(10 ratings)

Guitar of the Immortal Bard

, by Jason Burns (2000)
(4 ratings)

The Possibility of Life's Destruction

, by Gunther Schmidl (1999)
(3 ratings)


, by David A. Clysdale (1999)
(2 ratings)

Looking for Godot

, by Patrick Shaughnessy (1996)
(2 ratings)

The Bridge of Catzad-Dum

, by Nate Segerlind (1988)
(2 ratings)

The Resident

, by Mike DeSanto (1995)
(1 rating)

The Sands of Mars

, by Ted Swartz (1988)
(1 rating)


, by Howard A. Sherman (1998)
(3 ratings)

Total Paddling Mania

, by Dr. Aloysius, Ph.D Beltway (1998)
(5 ratings)
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