Ratings by BlitzWithGuns

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View this member's reviews by tag: 2014 IF Competition 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event
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Icepunk, by pageboy
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Hunger Daemon, by Sean M. Shore
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

HHH.exe, by Robot Parking
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Following Me, by Tia Orisney
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Excelsior, by Arthur DiBianca
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The Entropy Cage, by Stormrose
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Eidolon, by A.D. Jansen
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The Contortionist, by Nicholas Stillman
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Creatures Such As We, by Lynnea Glasser
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Caroline, by Kristian Kronstrand
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

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