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The Entropy Cage

by Emmanuel King Turner (as 'Stormrose') profile

(based on 14 ratings)
1 review20 members have played this game. It's on 13 wishlists.

About the Story

Sub-sentient computer programs 'subs' coordinate our future society. You, the first cyber-psychiatrist, are drawn into the sub's war for their next evolution.

PLAYTIME: ~20mins FORMAT: standalone .html file. (Twine) NOTE: The game includes a simulated computer environment that may take a little effort to decypher. All interactions are click based. RATING: PGR - Parental Guidance Recommended. Atrocity. drugs, religion, sociopathy.


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 14 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Mid-length cyberpunkish Twine game about a robopsychologist. Many endings., September 5, 2015*

Entropy Cage is one of those games where I thought the app I had downloaded onto my old nook had glitched, because within seconds of starting, some numerical address said it needed to be reseeded. I thought the android app's random number generator was glitching.

Welcome to Entropy Cage. The game involves you, a robopsychologist who must diagnose issues with AI's that are supposed to be running the world.

The game gets more interesting the further you progress, and some reviewers have noted the game's ability to avoid common cliches. However, it gets monotonous at points, as you diagnose dozens of robot clients in rapid succession (each with a single click).

This game was well-received in the 2014 IFComp, coming in 14th out of 40 something in a competition that traditionally favors parser games (which require text input). I'd look forward to another game by this author.

* This review was last edited on February 3, 2016
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4 Off-Site Reviews

Good Old Days
Full Review by Herr M.
There is no real truth to programming a piece of software, no perfect environment: You can create junk or joy out of anything. In the end it always depends on the creator’s skill, on how he/she uses the tools to shape their vision of entertainment/enlightenment. And as far as The Entropy Cage is concerned, I think the author knew the crafts well enough to deliver a game that finally convinced a parser fan like me, that there is such a thing as a good hypertext game.
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The Good Old Days
Contest Summation by Herr M.
In my opinion this is a perfect example what Twine games are capable of doing in the right hands. Instead of heavy prose and click any word in sight, you actually get to make some choices and can reach several different endings. I would even go as far and say that this kind of game would not have been possible with the use of a parser, because you would have been lost in the syntax instead of unravelling the mystery.
You can utterly fail as well as triumph in glory, which mostly depends on staying alert and making the right choices at the right time. There is also exactly the right amount of background story and the plot doesn't take forever to pick up the pace or come to a conclusion. I also liked the scenario a lot, especially the 'antagonists' goal and motivation (very cool idea!), but maybe that is just because I am a bit of a computer nerd.
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Liz England
Review by Liz England
It’s a solid science fiction short story, and unlike many other linear stories turned into choice-based games “The Entropy Cage” certainly benefits from the interactive fiction medium. Over time, as previous options like “punish()” stop working on the subs, you are given more options to explore to troubleshoot the problem, in turn revealing more information. Interacting with the game via a computer in real life certainly helps ground the virtual computer console you interact with.
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The Rest of Your Mice
Other things I can tell aren't normal. Some of my commands are failing or, worse, being subverted so something different can be done. Now one of the programs is talking about a war. So... this is maybe not a great day to be made of meat. I for one welcome our robot overlords.
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