Polls with votes for Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle
Go to this game's overview1–10 of 10Microparsers -
84 votes for 60 games; created December 13, 2023A poll by
TabithaThe discussion in this thread, from which I've borrowed the term "microparser" (thanks Pinkunz!), led me to want to collect small parser... Games where the enemy/game fourth-walls big-picture meta-commands -
14 votes for 12 games; created August 11, 2022A poll by
Andrew SchultzWhich games say something extra for quitting or save/load/restore? I'm thinking largely of parser commands, but Twine is welcome, too....
Trying to find a good comedy. -
79 votes for 45 games; created July 31, 2017A poll by
H. W. WiliamsI'm hoping to find a good comedy IF title. I've been away for a while and want a good laugh before I head back to work. Any suggestions?
Games centered around a "groundhog day" loop -
63 votes for 34 games; created July 29, 2015A poll by
MerkTwo that come to mind, which I haven't played in years and may be remembering wrong, are Moebius and All Things Devours. Games with fail...
Games with amusing deaths -
33 votes for 24 games; created April 7, 2015A poll by
Andrew SchultzLots of games have one amusing death, but what games best take the concept and run with it? These deaths could be nudges on messing...
This Is Who We Are -
68 votes for 31 games; created September 12, 2012A poll by
Sam Kabo AshwellA considerable number of games exist largely as the commentary of the IF community (or some subset of it) upon the medium and the...
Comfort Food IF -
32 votes for 21 games; created June 11, 2012A poll by
MollyLately I've been chasing away the blues by playing through my IF backlog. This made me wonder, what IF do you play as a pick-me-up? Maybe...
No Mazes, please! -
42 votes for 25 games; created October 10, 2011A poll by
AndyCI am a returning player to IF (which I loved 30 years ago) having recently discovered the fantastic Frotz for the iPad. Looking at some...
Very Short Games -
57 votes for 29 games; created November 3, 2010A poll by
tggdan3Games that can be completed in less than 30 mintues. Need not be one room (though that obviously helps). Hopefully, the games are fun as...
One Room Non-Escape Games -
67 votes for 31 games; created April 7, 2010A poll by
tggdan3I'm looking for a one room game, where the purpose is NOT to escape that one room. (Eliminating games such as Enlightenment, Suveh Nux,...
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