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Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies

by Øyvind Thorsby

Inform 6

(based on 31 ratings)
3 reviews36 members have played this game. It's on 40 wishlists.


Nominee, Best Use of Medium - 2006 XYZZY Awards

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Average Rating: based on 31 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
12 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
Snack a Zombie, January 2, 2008
by Victor Gijsbers (The Netherlands)

I have seen people complain that yeti robot zombies cannot exist, because a robot cannot be a zombie. These people were surely joking, since nobody could have missed the over-the-top action movie and shooter game cliche's that pervade Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies. This is a game that does not take itself seriously. The highly secret base of the evil boss turns out to be a huge skycraper in the middle of a big city, adorned with inverted neon crosses and a statue of a yeti robot zombie.

Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies is a 'win on the first attempt' game: you are asked not to save/restore, but to try to finish the game on the first attempt. Since (a) the game is quite short, and (b) the game is not too difficult, this doesn't pose any real problems, and it adds an interesting sense of danger. But save and restore are not disabled, so if you are a real wimp, you can use them.

So what do you do, as player? Well, you walk along the linear path set out for you, getting rid of zombies and cultists as well as you can, and finally reach the end. You will probably be tempted to restart at that point and try to find better solutions, because the game is both funny and short.

This is not a 'good' game. There is no storyline to speak of; there is no depth; no character interaction; nothing that makes it stand out. Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies is an enjoyable snack, and the 'win on the first attempt' clause is a great idea for a game like this. Play it for the quick fun it will give you.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Treat this game as it is: an experiment in removing the save/restore safety net., April 19, 2015*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game treats a really important aspect of interactive fiction: the save feature. Most games, despite any sense of urgency they may try to instill, become slow, measured-out puzzle games with the heavy use of save and restore.

It is almost impossible to overcome the habit of save and restore, probably because most games intend the reader to use it.

This game was designed as a full-throttle, jump-out-of-the-airplane experience. You should absolutely not undo, save or restore this game; in the Club Floyd transcript, one of the users hit undo out of habit, when it seemed that all was lost; but they then undid the undo, and promised to finish the game together, and it was worth it.

This is a short game, and a fun game. I would give it 5 stars in its genre, but 3 stars as a generic interactive fiction game. As it is, I'm leaving it with 4 stars.

* This review was last edited on August 19, 2020
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Are we there yeti?, December 4, 2010*
by Aintelligence (Canada)

This game was a rather strange game on many plains. It, was very relaxed and humorous attitude to it, as if it was just written by a bored guy on a hot summer day in errr, Norway. The jokes were slapped in from all directions (Spoiler - click to show) you dump coffee on the man, don't you know coffee is BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH??!! and very dry humor all through. Not quite my type of humor, but even I laughed at the somewhat dry jokes.

The obvious lack of revision did, however cause the story to be less than what it could have been. The story especially suffered because no examine/search had been implemented. Sure, you could complete the story, but the lack of 'examine' hurt the story's character.

The other main issue i had with the game was that the combat was too easy. It's tagged as a puzzle shooter, but there were no puzzles involved (like backup etc.) which affected the difficulty of the combat. It was just 'shoot yeti' and it died. The puzzle combat could possibly refer to the end boss, but even so, I was expecting a little more puzzle.

So if you're looking for a simple game, with a weak plot and characters, but rather funny, this is a good game for you. I would recommend to at least give it a try.

* This review was last edited on December 5, 2010
Note: this rating is not included in the game's average.
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2 Off-Site Reviews

The announcement for AotYRZ explained that this was an "attempt to win on the first play" game, an unusual effect for IF. [...] Fortunately, the design of AotYRZ does support that kind of play. There are no puzzles you need to solve by repeated tinkering. The absence of EXAMINE actually helps here, since in any given situation you know you've seen everything you need to see; there's no chance that you've failed to look at an object that carries a critical clue. Even the puzzles I missed were, in retrospect, completely fair.
-- Emily Short
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Reviews of the game from Blueman Steele, Paul O'Brian, and Dan Shiovitz.
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