Polls with votes for Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies
Go to this game's overview1–7 of 7games with guns -
3 votes for 2 games; created January 11, 2021A poll by
jlvp1234I'm looking for games that are similar to gun mute and, amist the saige brush and cactus, might be butchering that final title.
Combat puzzle games -
33 votes for 18 games; created December 12, 2012A poll by
Jeremy FreeseWhat I'm looking for are games that have fights that are ostensibly combat, but the solution to winning the fight is really a matter of...
I am new to interactive fiction, could anyone recommend a game for me? -
38 votes for 21 games; created August 19, 2012A poll by
UrtikorHello, I just recently came across interactive fiction and I want to try it out and see if it's my kind of thing. I tried Dreamhold for...
Comfort Food IF -
32 votes for 21 games; created June 11, 2012A poll by
MollyLately I've been chasing away the blues by playing through my IF backlog. This made me wonder, what IF do you play as a pick-me-up? Maybe...
Best IF Titles -
203 votes for 68 games; created February 13, 2011A poll by
FredrikNo doubt you have played some great games with great titles, or been disappointed to find games with great titles that did not hold up to...
Fast-paced action scenes -
48 votes for 27 games; created May 28, 2010A poll by
JuhanaFast-paced action is something that's notoriously hard to do in IF where waiting for player's input necessarily pauses the game every...
Most unique games -
42 votes for 25 games; created August 4, 2009A poll by
Jeremy FreeseWhatever else might be said about ___________, there's not another game like it.
1–7 of 7