
by Adam Cadre profile

Slice of life

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- elysee, April 24, 2023

- Hugginnn, April 20, 2023

- Kastel, April 5, 2023

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Awesome UI., April 1, 2023
by Cygnus (Australia)

This game was pretty!! Really pretty. I should replay it, so I can see what the commenters were talking about, but first playthrough… very pretty. Use of colour is very smart, parsers all work, kinda sorta linear. Plot and worldbuilding is honestly top notch.

Again, hard to find fault with this one. Doesn’t need a map, because its various worlds are small enough, hints are either provided or not needed, so many dialogue options, feels…

I think this game had sound? Either way, it was super visually pleasing and mind-scratching in a good way. Kept me going, kept playing, and the atmosphere was awesome.

I’ll come back to this after I’ve replayed it to get the actual, like, feels that commenters were talking about. For now, it’s chilling at 4.5 stars (0.5 deducted for if I’d play it again; I’m only replaying it because the commenters were raving about it. Once I finish, I’ll probably up it to a 5.)

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- Bell Cyborg (Canada), July 1, 2022

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- SherwoodForbes, June 21, 2022

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