
by Adam Cadre profile

Slice of life

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- thebloopatroopa, May 28, 2015

- Jens Leugengroot (Germany), May 25, 2015

- wildj79 (Dallas, TX), May 18, 2015

- LaFey (Porto, Portugal), April 24, 2015

- NiMuSi (London, UK), April 11, 2015

- CMG (NYC), April 6, 2015

- Mike Root, March 23, 2015

- Keiya, March 15, 2015

- Thrax, March 11, 2015

- Asherred, February 27, 2015

- Matt W (San Diego, CA), February 19, 2015

- prevtenet (Texas), February 15, 2015

- hoopla, February 15, 2015

- besmaller (Portland, OR), January 28, 2015

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Integrated graphical effects and strong emotional impact, January 19, 2015

Photopia has been an influential game. The amount of interactivity is small, but the story drives the game along. As has been mentioned, the emotional impact should really be classed as manipulative, but it is effectively done. The author manages to put the player into the skin of a number of different roles and also to make the reader identify with characters at different stages of their lives.

The underlying "story within a story" is pitch-perfect. Probably because it appeals to the wish fulfillment natural to games (or gamers?). The outcome of the game ends up being telegraphed about half way through, but this leads to the emotional punch and drive of the narrative. From then on, it unfolds remorselessly.

The greatness of the game is its ability to remain in mind after one has played it and yet be fresh on replay.

An important game. Emotional reactions will differ, but I would categorize it as touching. (Spoiler - click to show)Few mazes are as satisfying as the one in Photopia. We all have wings...

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- openmedi (Berlin, Germany), January 17, 2015

- Jallarial, January 16, 2015

- morlock, January 14, 2015

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Fantastic color themed game!, January 10, 2015
by Chai Hai (Kansas City KS)

I loved this! I loved how each part was themed by a color, and finding how everything fit together was really well done.

Having random words defined in parenthesis irritated me at first, but later on it was part of the charm. In the end, that became my favorite POV.

I've always been a fan of multiple perspective games, watching the story unfold from various perspectives and piecing everything together is always enjoyable for me. This game does it beautifully.

Beautiful game. Marvelous.

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- Iakampa (Poland), January 7, 2015

- dutchmule, December 23, 2014

- BlitzWithGuns, December 5, 2014

- VarunG (Mumbai, India), November 15, 2014

- Janice M. Eisen (Portland, Oregon), November 10, 2014

- siquis (Scotland), November 7, 2014

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