Downtown Tokyo, Present Day

by John Kean

Kaiju, Screen, Satire
Inform 6

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Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
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- Xuan Li, July 5, 2020 (last edited on July 6, 2020)

- Zape, June 22, 2020

- kierlani, March 28, 2020

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Monster mayhem in downtown Tokyo! Short, with two perspectives, January 22, 2016*

This game has an interesting opening; you are in a movie theatre, watching a giant monster movie. The game is in third person, with the main character's actions being narrated by the observer in the audience.

The actual action has a brief intro, followed by the actual puzzle. You move in 3d on a map with a ton of fake locations and some (labelled) real locations. This puzzle seemed really hard, but it turns out that there are 4 different solutions.

This is the only giant monster attack game I have played, and it was really fun in its sphere.

* This review was last edited on April 8, 2016
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- Mr. Patient (Saint Paul, Minn.), March 5, 2016

- Sobol (Russia), June 9, 2015

- Thrax, March 12, 2015 (last edited on March 13, 2015)

- Floating Info, December 11, 2013

- DJ (Olalla, Washington), September 30, 2013

- Edward Lacey (Oxford, England), January 6, 2013

- Joey Jones (UK), December 22, 2012

- Catalina, August 19, 2012 (last edited on August 20, 2012)

- stadtgorilla (Munich, Germany), April 17, 2012

- Walter Sandsquish, February 2, 2011

- Juhana, August 22, 2009

- Emily Boegheim, January 12, 2009 (last edited on January 13, 2009)

- Audiart (Davis, CA), January 2, 2009 (last edited on January 3, 2009)

- Ghalev (Northern Appalachia, United States), July 4, 2008 (last edited on December 13, 2008)

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
The Chicken Must Die, July 2, 2008
by C.E.J. Pacian (England)

Although Downtown Tokyo, Present Day is most likely to be mentioned for its bipartite player character - you play the parts of both the hero in a monster B-movie and a cinema-goer in the audience - this game must surely be equally notable for demonstrating how a small set of commands can create a game that is diverse, malleable and above all fun.

All you need to do is fly your helicopter in compass directions, go up and down, and push the button that deploys its grabber - and in this fashion you explore the game's city, picking things up and dropping them experimentally, triggering various humorous responses from the parser, and doing all you can to save a nondescript love-interest from the clutches of a giant mutant chicken. There should be more IF games like this.

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- Wendymoon, June 11, 2008

- J. Robinson Wheeler (Austin, TX), February 22, 2008

- Havoc Crow, December 29, 2007

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