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#ifGP22 1-Bit 1001 nights 1080p 1100s 111 1200s 1300s 1400s 1500s 1600s 18+ 1800s 18th century 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1984 1990s 1st Annual MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest 2-3 Minutes 2010 2012 2012 GDC Pirate Kart 2012 IGF Pirate Kart 2019 2019 XYZZY Awards 2020 XYZZY Awards 2021 XYZZY Awards 2024 IF Review-a-thon 20th century 24 24 Hours of Inform 2002 24 Hours of Inform 2003 24 Hours of Inform 2004 2D 3016 3D graphics 3d movement 3rd person 42 4:3 5 minutes 69105 7%9"Despite the impossibility of April 80KB 8bit graphic @party IF Competition 2010 A Game By Its Cover 2020 a mother's love a plume of craving on the wind." A-Code A-code source available aapi abandoned mansion abandonned manor abductionl AbilityComp abjection ableism abortion abstract Abstract Concepts absurd abuse Abuse of Site abusive academia academic NPC acceptance acción ACE achievements acid western Acorn Acorn Electron Acornsoft Acquisition acronyms Action action chunking action limit Action-Adventure active examine active NPCs Activision activism adaptation adaptive hints addiction ADHD adjustable difficulty ADL adoption adrift Adrift 3.8 Adrift 3.9 Adrift 4 ADRIFT 5 ADRIFT 5 Intro Comp 2012 Adrift competition 2001 Adrift competition 2002 Adrift competition 2003 Adrift competition 2004 Adrift competition 2005 Adrift competition 2006 Adrift competition 2007 ADRIFT competition 2008 Adrift competition 2009 Adrift competition 2010 Adrift competition 2011 ADRIFT Competition 2017 ADRIFT Game of the Year Award ADRIFT IntroComp 2009 ADRIFT source available ADRIFT Writing Challenges Comp 2006 adult baby adult breastfeeding adult humor adult themes advanced difficulty adventions Adventure Adventure International Adventure Probe Software Adventure Soft AdventureJam AdventureJam 2018 AdventureJam 2019 AdventureJam 2020 Adventurescape adventuron Adventuron Christmas Jam Adventuron source available adverbs advergame Advertising advocacy AdvSys AdvSys source available Aegis Development aeriel affection africa after wars afterlife AGDQ agent AGT AGT source available ai art ai content AI cover art AI NPC AI parser AI protagonist aif AIF mini comp 2007 AIF mini-comp 2009 aif mini-comp 2013 aircraft airplane Airplane Crash airport airship alan Alan 2 Alan 3 Alan source available alaska alberta albino alchemy alcohol alcoholism Alice alien culture alien sidekick Alien Software alien world aliens all ages ALL CAPS all roads allegory Allergy alligator alone alpaca alpha Alphabet altar Alternate History alternate reality alternative endings Alternative Software alyssa amador Amare Amateur America american American Civil War Americana Amiga amnesia amphibians Amstrad Amstrad CPC Amusement Park anachronism anarchy ancient Egypt ancient gods ancient Greece ancient Greek ancient history android AndroidOS androids Andromeda Legacy andromeda series anemia angel angels Angelsoft angst anguish Animal animal companion animal NPC animal protagonist animals animated background animated text animation anime Anna Chronicle Anonymous anosmia Another RPG Engine Antarctica anthology antholojam anthropology anthropomorphised animals anthropomorphism anti-game anti-hero anti-productivity jam anti-romance jam Antiquity ants anxiety Aotearoa apartment apartment building ape Apocalypse apothecary app apparition apparitions Apple II Apple IIGS Apple Macintosh apprentice April April Fools Day aqualung aquarium AQW ar arbitrary choices arcade game arcade sequence arcane arch narrator archaeology archery archimedes Architecture archive archives arctic arena ARG ARG-like Argentina Argentinian Spanish Argonauts argument arguments arielle davis Ariolasoft aristocrats Aristotle Arkansas army aromantic aromanticism around arranged marriage arson Art art gallery art installation artgame arthouse Arthur C. Clarke Arthurian Artic Computing artificial intelligence artificial life artist artistic arts artwork ASCII ASCII art ASCII Corporation asesinato asesinos seriales asexual asexuality Asia asian protagonist ask/tell conversation asmr Aspec friendly assassination assembly Assembly source available astarion asteroid astrology astronaut astroturf Asylum atari Atari 8-Bit Atari ST Athar atlantis atmospheric atomic bomb ATTACK attempted murder attic Auckland audio audio IF augmentations augmented reality Australia Australian authentic author Author warns this game is broken author's dilemma authorship autism autistic protagonist auto advance auto walk autobiographical Autofiction automap autumn Available on Steam Avalon Hill aventuriers intérimaires avocado AvPD Axis Komputerkunst AXMA Story Maker Aztecs B movie baader meinhof Baal baby babysitting Bacchus Back Garden Bacon bad character encoding baked goods bakery baking balance puzzle balcony Ballad balloon baltimore Band bandages bandits bank bar barbarian bare-bones jam bare-bones jam 2023 barghest barney the dinosaur baron baroque Barrie Eaton barstow BART bartending base building baseball based on book based on comic book based on dream based on movie based on opera based on painting based on play based on poem based on RPG based on short story based on songs based on TV show based on video game BASIC basic difficulty BASIC source available bastrick bathroom Bathroom issues batman bats battle battle of loos battle royale battlefield BBC BBC BASIC BBC Master 128 BBC Micro BBC Model B BBC Model B+ BBC Software BBQ bbs BDSM beach Beam Software bear bears Beast beauty bed Bedlam beer bees beetle beetrootphobia beginner bells bengali Berge Berkeley Berlin Bermuda Triangle Best EVER! Best friends bestiality beta bezoar bible biblical bibliographical references Big Bad Wolf big bang big brother Big Chaos Twine Jam big crunch big data big thing bigfoot bilingual binaural binksi binkski bio punk biology biopunk Bip Bipboupbop Bipboupbop (Titre Temporaire) bipolar disorder bird bird protagonist birds birth birthday bisexual bisexual protagonist bisexuality biting bitsy bitter bizarre slapstick black black and white black and white illustrations black comedy black magic black protagonist blackandwhite blacksmith Blackwood Chronicles blasphemy bleak blindness bling block art blog blood bloodlust Bloody Blue bluebeard Bluebeard Jam board game geek boarding boat boating boats Bobby Fischer bodies body horror body image body issues body modification body pleasant body positivity body transformation Bolivia bomb Bomico Bondage bonds bonehead boogeyman book book references bookmarks books boomerang bop Borges borscht botany bouchercomp boulder bounty hunter boup boxed quotations boy boy scout Braille Note Apex brain branched branching branching paths branching story brand names brazil bread breakdancing breaking breakup Brevecomps 1 brexit bridge brief brisbane Britain British British Broadcasting Corporation British pop culture references Broderbund broken broken 4th wall broken down car broken link Broken links to Delron bronze age brooding Brooke Burgess brothel brother browser bruegel Brutal BSD license BTZ buddhism bugged bugs building built-in hints built-in map bull bulldog bullies bullying bunker bunny bureaucracy bureaucracy simulator Burger King burgers Burglary Burnley bus ride buses businessman Butler butter BxB Byteriders C C source available c# C++ C++ source available c128 C16 C64 C64 BASIC cabin Cable Software cactus caffeine caffine cake calculator california CALL call of cthulhu calm calvino camel camels Camp campfire camping Canada Canadian cancer candles candy canine protagonist caning cannibalism cannon cantina canvassing capitalism Capsule Captain Captain Nemo CAPTCHA car car accident car chase car crash car drive card game cards career advice career guidance Caribbean Carlos The Jackal Carnell Software Carnival Cars cartoon casino caste Castellano Castilian Castillan Castillian castle castles casual casual game play competition #7 cat CAT 2010 Catalan Catalonia cathartic catholicism cats cave cave crawl cave-crawl caveman caves celebrity Celestial Tear Cell cellphone celtic cemetery censor protagonist censorship centaur Central America central asia cephalopod Cerebral cgi chain death chain mail chainable commands challenge Challenging chance chandler changing environment chaos Chapbook chapters Character character based character creation Character Driven character graphics character portraits character switching character-based characters charity Charming chase chat chat log Chatbot chatsim chauvinism check box checkpoint checkpoints cheerful cheese chef chemistry chernobyl Cheshire Cat chess chest Chesterton Chicago chicken ChickenComp chickens child child abuse child author child care child death Child NPC child protagonist childbirth Childhood childhood favorites childhood memories children Children's Children's Books children's game Chile chimps china chinese Chinese mythology Chinese parser chiptune choice choice of games Choice of Games hosted games choice-based choice-consequence choices choices matter ChoiceScript ChoiceScript source available choose Choose Your Own Story ChooseYourStory Chouans christian Christianity Christmas chrome Chrome only chronic illness chronology reversed church Ciencia ciencia ficción cigarettes Cinderella cinema cipher Ciphers circus cities Citroen citrus city city walk civil rights class issues class-based cliches Classic classic category classical music classical philosophy claustrophobic Cleopatra CLI click features clickbait clicker clickventure cliffhanger ending climate catastrophe climate change climbing cloak clock clockwork Clojure source available cloning Clopas clothing Clouds Clouds in the Sky clown clowns club ClubFloyd transcript clue CME cmg coach coarse language cocktail coconut code codes coding exercise coercive Coffee coffee shop coffeeshop simulation coffin cognitive dissonance cold cold breeze cold war coledge collaboration collaborative collected shorts collector college college life Cologne colonialism color Color Computer Colorado colorblind protagonist colors Colossal cash prize combat combinations combinatorics comedy comes with theme music comforting comic comic book character comic strip coming of age command-line interface commentary commercial committee commodities Commodore 128 commodore 64 Commodore Amiga Commodore PET Commodore Plus/4 Commodore64 communication communism community commute compass compass status display compassless Competition compilation complex npc complex npcs complicity composer compound word title with mind Comps Compukit UK101 computer Computer Assisted Language Learning computer lab computerless computers Conan conceptual concours moiki Concurso de Aventuras de MicroHobby 1989 Concurso Nacional de Aventuras 1997 Concurso Nacional de Aventuras 1998 condescension Confederate treasure conference confidence Confused protagonist congress conlang conquest consciousness console conspiracies conspiracy constable constrained protagonist constrained writing constraints constructed language construction consumerism contains occasional swearing contemplative contemporary contemporary fantasy contest continuous space contract convention setting conversation conversation menus conversation puzzles conversation-based cookie cookies cooking cooking sim cool cooperation coping corn corner Cornwall Coronavirus corporal punishment corporations corruption cosmetics Cosmic Fantasy cosmic horror cosmic loneliness costume costumes count counterfactual country home countryside court court intrigue cover art COVID-19 cow cowboy cowboys Cows cozy cozy fantasy CP/M cpc crabs craft crafting crash crashed airplane crashed spaceship crashes Firefox crayon Crazy crazy quilt creation creation myth creative creative block creativity creature creatures creeping doom creepy creepypasta crime crime family crime fiction crime fighting criminal criminals criptid crisis CRL Cro Magnons crocodile cross-dressing crossover crossroads crossword crow crowbar crowdfunded crown jewels crpytic Cruel Cruel forgiveness Cruelty cruelty to animals crusades cryo tubes cryogenic suspension crypt Cryptex Game Jam cryptic conservatory cryptids cryptogram Cryptography Crystal Computing crystals Cthulhu cube CuCulainn cuisine culinary theme cult cultural references Culture curse curses Cursing custom Custom Character custom engine custom interpreter custom parser customer service customizable cute cutscene cutting Cyber Security cyberpunk cyberspace cyborg cyclical cycling links cyclops cynical CYOA CYOA with location-based world model CYOA with puzzles Czech Cómics Poéticos d&d D/s DAAD Dad dagger daily damsel in distress dance dancing Danish daoism dark Dark City dark comedy dark fantasy dark humor dark humour Dark Romance Dark Unknown Planet darkness darts data database Datamost dating dating sim dave crowe Davka Corporation day in the life of Dead dead protagonist deadline deaf protagonist deals death death (no gore) Death Star debate debt debunking Debut decapitation decay deception decide Decisions deck building decker decryption deep deer defunct delayed text deliberately bad game delicious delirium Delta 4 delusions demake dementia demo demon demonic demons demonstration Den Bosch Dendry Dendry source available DendryNexus dentistry depressing depression deputy des desert deserted island desire desktop despair detailed detective detective fiction determinism deterministic combat developed in Japan devil devotion diabetes diagnosis diagnostic puzzles dialog Dialog source available dialogue dialogue jam diamond fork diamonds diary diavolo dei crocicchi dice dictator dictatorship dictionary Die Zombie! Die! diegetic interface dieselpunk diet different narratives difficult digital dilemma diner dinner dino-comp dinosaur dinosaurs diplomacy disability disabled protagonist disappearance disaster Disco discord Discworld disease disguise disposable genitals Distance distinct areas distractions District 7 disturbing disturbing content disturbing themes diversion divination divine protagonist divorce dj djibouti DNA DNA Tribute Speed-IF dnd game dungeon dndbbs doas doctor Doctor Who documentary documents dog dogs doll dolls dolphin dolphins domestic domestic violence Don Juan don't go in here expecting some asimov shit Donald donkey dont try this at home donut Doomsday doors doppelganger dos DOS prompt Douglas Adams Dove downbeat Dracolich Dracula draft dragon Dragon 32 Dragon 64 dragon age DragonComp dragons drama drawing drawings dread DreadXP dream sequence Dream State Zero Dreamcast dreamlike dreams dredging drink stall assistant drinks drowning drug abuse drug mention drug references drug use drugs druid Drumpf dryad duck ducks duct tape dueling dumbwaiter dungeon dungeon crawl dungeon creation dungeons Dunsanian Dunsany duplicate duplicate page dutch dvr dwarf Dynacomp dynamic dynamic fiction dynamic map dynamite dysfunctional families Dyson sphere dysphoria dystopia Each-uisge Eamon Eamon CS eamon deluxe Eamon Deluxe 5.0 Eamon Remastered Early Inform Early Morning East Asian setting Easter easter egg eastern Europe Eastgate Systems easy easytofollow eat eater eating disorders eating rice and reflecting on life ebook ecd ecdy ecdycis ecdysis ecdysis game ecology economy EctoComp Ectocomp 2007 Ectocomp 2008 Ectocomp 2009 ectocomp 2010 Ectocomp 2011 Ectocomp 2012 EctoComp 2013 EctoComp 2014 EctoComp 2015 EctoComp 2016 EctoComp 2017 ectocomp 2018 Ectocomp 2019 ECTOComp 2020 ECTOCOMP 2021 ECTOCOMP 2022 ECTOCOMP 2023 ECTOCOMP 2024 Ectocomp game EctoComp Winner Edgar Allan Poe Educación education educational Educational Jam 2024 edutainment eerie EFL egg eggplant Egypt Egyptology Eighties ekphrasis elderly protagonist eldritch Eldritch Games eldritch horror election election day Elections electricity hazard Electronic Arts elementary school elements elephants elevator elf elit eliterature ELIZA Elizabethan ellythementalward Emacs Lisp source available email email harvesting Emily emo emo violence emoji emoticons emotion emotional emotional abuse EMP empty empty text adventure enciclopedia endgame endings endless mode endling enemies-to-lovers ENGL 303 England english English parser enhanced interface EnigMarch Enix Corporation Enormous entertainment entheogen EnvComp environment environmental storytelling Ephemeral epic Epic Poetry episode episodes episodic epistolary Epyx Equestria erasure Erins Winner erotic erotic hypnosis erotica errors escape escape room ESL esolang español Esperanto espionage esports Essay Eternauta ethereal etheri ethical dilemma ethics etiquette Europe euthanasia EVE Online Evelyn Grey even better than Family Guy event evil evil bodybuilders evil protagonist evolution evolving ex-boyfriend exam examining excerpt Exclusive Software execution executive dysfunction exhibit exhibition existential existential dread existentialism existentialist exorcism exoskeleton experience Experiment experimental experimental fiction experimental puzzle experimentation experiments explicit violence exploration exploratory explorer exploring expression exquisite cadaver exquisite corpse extra long extraterrestrials Extremely-Challenging eye eyepatch eyes eyesore F/F f2m faab Fable facebook fae failed EctoComp failure fairies fairy tale faith fake TV show Fallen London Fallen London content Fallout false ending familiar family family drama family schism family-friendly famine famines fan fiction fan game fan made fancy fandom fantasy fantasy violence far future far-future Farce farm farm house fascism fashion faster fate father faust faux russian fav FB fear fear of twine featureless white cubes feeding Feel Good feelie feelie map feelies feelies better than game feeling feline feline protagonist felines felt animals female female protagonist female protagonists female romance option femdom feminisation feminism Feminist Feminization ferret festival festive fetish few characters Ficciones del Multiverso ficción hipertextual explorativa FICOMP 2007 FICOMP 2011 fiction fictional nation fictionnal nation field fifteen puzzle fight fighting Fighting Fantasy filling film film noir film references final finance Finish A Game Jam Finland fire fire tower firefly fireman firemen firmament first contact first day first draft first effort First game first person first person plural First World problem first world war fish fish protagonist fishery fishing Five Ways Software fivedials flagstones flapper Flash flash fiction flash if flashback flashbacks flashing flashing images flashlight flatland flawed flesh flies flight flirt flirting flood floppy diskette Florence Florida flower flowers fluff Fluffy flying FM-7 fog folk horror folk tale folklore folklore character food food puzzle food timer fool football footnotes footwear forbidden love Forced forced input foreign language Foreign relations Forense Forest former commercial formula 1 Forth source available Fortran FORTRAN source available fortune telling forum forums found family fountain fourth wall fox fr fractal frame story frame-story francais France Francoist Spain freak freaky free free chapters Free IF Playoffs free software free to play free will freeform input freemium freestyle category freeuse freeuse themed freezing French French Comp 2005 French Comp 2006 French Comp 2007 French Comp 2008 French Comp 2011 French Comp 2013 French Comp 2015 French Comp 2016 French Comp 2018 french comp 2019 french comp 2020 French game french language French Revolution French SpeedIF frequently updated Fridge friend friendly parser friends friendship FRISE frog Froggy Software frogs frore fruit Frustration ftm fuck capitalism jam 2024 full length full screen Full-Sized fumarole Fun Fun focused funeral fungi funhouse funn funny funny business furies furniture furry futility futurama future future tense futurism futuristic Fuzzy g*** G. I. Joe Gaben GAC gadgets GAGS GAGS source available galaxy galileo Galleon Galorelike Gambling Game game adaptation game catalog Game does exist game doesn't exist game goodies game jam Game no longer exists Game no longer playable game show game within a game game-based language learning gamebook GameBoy GameBoy Advance GameDev Gamefic Games Games for Spooky B*tches gamification gaming gang gangs garbage garden garden gnome gardens Gargoyle Games gas station gaslighting gaul gauntlet gay gay protagonist gay relationship gay/queer protagonist GDC gender gender change gender choice gender identity gender-neutral gender-neutral NPC gender-neutral NPCs gender-neutral protagonist genderless genderless protagonist genderqueer generally unobjectionable generated content generative ai genetics genie genocide genre shift gentrification geocaching Geography geology geometry george orwell german German Grand Prix 2010 Germany GerX getting off work GGJ GGJ2019 ghost ghost hunt ghost ship Ghostbusters ghosts giant giants GIFC gift gifts gila monster gilgamesh Gilsoft girls love glacier glastonbury glitch Global Game Jam Global Game Jam 2014 Global Game Jam 2017 Global Software globalgamejam glovemaking Glulx gluttony gnoll gnome gnomes goal-seeking characters goalless goat goats goblin goblins God god-like PC godot gods Godwin's law going home gold gold coins Golden Banana of Discord winner golem golf goncharov good good coding Good for Beginners good protagonist good time good times goodbye Google google form google forms goose gore gorilla gorilla suit gothic gothic horror gothic romance gotv governance government GPL gps GPT-2 graded success gradients Graduate Theological Union graffiti writing grand guignol grandfather grandparents granola graphic graphic adventure graphic novella graphic scenes of violence graphic violence graphics graphomania grass grateful dead gratuitous violence grave-digging graveyard Gray Design Associates gray legal status great greece Greek greek mythology Grenouille grief grim grimdark Grinding gritty grizzly grocery store grooming Gross groundhog groundhog day growing growing pains growing together growing up grue gruescript Gruescript source available GUEmap guess-the-verb guided maze Guild of Thieves guilt guilt trip guinea pigs guitar gummy bears gumshoe gun guns guy guy protagonist H. P. Lovecraft Commonplace Book Project H.G. Wells h.p. lovecraft hack hacker hacking Haight Ashbury haiku Hainamana hair Half life 3 confirmed half-demon Halloween hallucination hallucinations Hallydia Hamlet hampstead hamster hand drawn art hand state modeled handwriting Hanferd Hangman hangover Hans Christian Andersen Happy hard sci-fi hard sf hard-boiled harem Harlowe Harry Potter hashpotatoes interactive Haskell hat hats haunted haunted home haunted house Haunted House Jam haunting hauntings Hawaii Hayden Software hazing headphones health health inspector Heart's Choice heartbreak heartburn hearts heartwarming Heaven hedgehog Hegel heights Heiress Software heist Hell hell on earth Hello Kitty Helloween Hercules hermaphrodite hermaphroditism hero heroic Hewson Consultants hidden content hiding high fantasy high school high score list high society high stakes high-contrast higher education HighlandComp highly branching hijinks hiking Hill MacGibbon Hillary Hindu mythology hint cat hint system hints hiperficción hipertexto hipertextual historical historical fiction historical reference historical remarks historical setting History HITLER hittite hivemind hobbes hobo Holderlin Holiday Holiday Theme HOLIDAYS hollow hollywood holocaust homage home home sweet home home-schooling homebrew homelessness Homer homesickness homestuck Homo Perfectus homophobia homosexual homosexual protagonist homosexuality homunculus Honesty honey honeymoon honeypot Hong Kong Horizon horoscope Horredy Horrible Horrible game sorry horror horror short art 2012 horse horses hospital hospital setting hosted hosted games hot bods hot coffee hotel Hourglass Competition 2006 house House Setting how are you so sure how to be a complete bastard html html5 hubris Hugo Hugo source available Hull human human nature human rights human sacrifice humor Humpty Dumpty Hungarian Hunger hunt hunter hunting Hurricane hygiene hyperfiction hyperinflation hyperlinks hyperstory hypertext hypertext novel hypertext-like hyphenless hypocrisy hypothetical I wrote it I5 source available I6 Platypus library I6 source available I7 source available icarly icbm ice ice cream Ice Guardian icom mac-venture icon identity identity politics ideology idle game IF IF Advent Calendar IF Art Show IF Art Show 1 IF Art Show 2 IF Art Show 2000 IF Art Show 2001 IF Art Show 2003 IF Art Show 2004 IF Art Show 2007 IF Art Show Spring 1999 IF Art Show Summer 1999 if community references IF Comp 2010 IF Comp 2011 IF Competition 1995 IF Competition 1996 IF Competition 1997 IF Competition 1998 IF Competition 1999 IF Competition 2000 IF Competition 2001 IF Competition 2002 IF Competition 2003 IF Competition 2004 IF Competition 2005 IF Competition 2006 IF Competition 2007 IF Competition 2008 IF Competition 2009 IF Competition 2012 IF Competition 2013 IF Grand Prix 2014 IF references IF Short Games Showcase IF Short Games Showcase 2023 if system IF trope references IF Whispers if-parody IFBeginnersComp IFComp 2014 IFComp 2015 IFComp 2016 IFComp 2017 IFComp 2018 IFComp 2019 IFComp 2020 IFComp 2021 IFComp 2022 IFComp 2023 IFComp 2024 IFComp Game IFComp Winner IFDB tags contain spoilers IFLibrary competition 2002 IFLibrary competition 2003 ikea illegal illegal activity illness illumination illusion illusions illustrations images imaginary games jam Imaginative Systems immersive Immigrants immigration immortals imp implied violence imposter imposter syndrome imprisonment improv in game chat in-app purchases inanimate protagonist inc Incentive Software incest Included on Activison Masterpieces CD incomplete india Indiana Jones indie indigo Indonesia industrial espionage industrial revolution inequality infection infiltration infinite score Infocom Infocom related Infocom Z6 Inform Inform 5 Inform 6 inform 7 Inform source available Inform/Z infuriating Inglish inheritance inherited disease inhibition injury Ink ink source available inkjam inkJam 2023 inkjam entry inkjam2019 inkjs inkle inklewriter inline expansion inn inner struggle Inner thoughts innovative innovative interface Innsmouth input insane asylum insanity insect NPC insectophobia insects inside baseball inside joke InsideADRIFT End of Year Comp 2005 InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2008 InsideADRIFT Summer Competition 2010 insights insomnia inspiration inspirational Inspired by George Orwell installation instant messaging INSTEAD source code available instruction manual instructional insulting Integration intellectual intelligence intelligent pig intense interaction interactive interactive drawing Interactive Fiction Top 50 Interactive Fiction Top 50 2011 Interactive Fiction Top 50 2015 Interactive Fiction Top 50 2019 Interactive Fiction Top 50 2023 interactive film interactive narrative interactive novel Interactive Short Fiction Competition Interactive Technology interface fiction intergalactic intern internet internet culture Interplay interpreter interrogation intersign interstellar interview intrigue intro IntroComp IntroComp 2002 IntroComp 2003 IntroComp 2004 IntroComp 2005 IntroComp 2006 IntroComp 2007 IntroComp 2008 IntroComp 2009 IntroComp 2010 IntroComp 2011 introcomp 2012 Introcomp 2013 IntroComp 2014 Introcomp 2015 Introcomp 2017 IntroComp 2018 Introcomp 2020 IntroComp completed Introductory introspective Inuit invention inventor inventory inventory limit inventory puzzle investigate investigating investigation investigation of human mind invisible links invisiclue-style hints Io iOS iOS8 Iraq Ireland Irish mythology ironic Irony IRS agent Isaac Newton isekai Islam island islands isolation Italian italian translation Italy itch itchio Ivan Ivandesnouilles Jacic Jack Parsons JACL JACL source available jail jam James Bond Japan japanese Japanese kana parser japanese mythology Japanese parser Japanese romaji parser Java Java source available javascript JavaScript source available jaws jayne jealousy Jerusalem jesse Jesus jetpack jewel thief jewish jigsaw jigsaw puzzle jimi hendrix JimJams Games jivetalk joan of arc job job hunting job interview job simulator joke joke game Jolt Country Jonah journal journal entries journalism journalist journey Judaism judgemental judgment Jules Verne julius caesar jump jumpscare jungle junk food Jupiter jury jury service just here for funsies justice kaballah kaiju KAOS karl forshaw karma Karmic Shift Studios katana kayaking kebab kelpie kerguelen key-pooping creature keys keyword keyword parser kickstarter kid kid protagonist kid-friendly kidnapping kids killer kind kindle kinetic king King Arthur king john kingdom Kingdom Mangement kings kink kissing kitten kiwi kleptomania Klick of the Month Klub klockwerk knife knight knights knives Kno knock-knock jokes Kopenhagen korea Krell Software kusoge kyrgyz kyrgyzstan L Ron Hubbard La Comp Más Monstruosa 2008 La Fontaine La Petite Mort label qualité Mimesis laboratory laboratory setting Labour labratory setting labyrinth lactation kink lafs lake Lake District lands of dream landscape landscape mode language language learning Languages lantern large large game world large language model laser last lousy point last mail Late Harvest Lathe of Heaven Latin Latter-day Saint laundry Lavori d'Aracne law Lawetlat'la lawyers Lazy Lazy Jones LCD LD32 LD48 LDR Le Grand Guignol Leadership learn learn by dying learning lecturing legal Legend Legend Entertainment legends Lemon Demon leprechaun lesbian lesbians Let's Play letter letters Level 9 lewd lewdness setting lewis carroll lgbt themes LGBTQ+ libraries library Libya Lich lies Life light light puzzles lighthearted lighthouse Lighthouse Mystery lightyear Limericks liminal liminal spaces limited limited verbs linear linguistics Linux lion Lions! lipstick list Listing literacy literary literary adaptation Literary Intelligence literary reference literary references literature live livia j. elliot Lixa lizard lizards llama llamas lobster local politics lockdown locked locus jam logic logic puzzles London loneliness lonely long playtime long poem long-form longest twine lonliness loop loop day loot Lore Los Angeles loss lost lost game lost media lost treasure Louisiana lounge lounge singer love love and leases Love/Violence Jam Lovecraft Lovecraftian Lovecraftian monstrosities Lovecraftian parody Low Fantasy low stakes LUAL Games lucha Lucid Lucid Dream lucid dreaming luckiest man ludum dare Ludum Dare 26 ludum dare 29 ludum dare 30 ludum dare 33 Ludum Dare 41 Ludum Dare 43 Ludum Dare 52 ludum dare 53 Ludum Dare 54 luminosity lunch money lurking lycanthrope lycanthropy Lying lyss lyssa M2F Mac macabre Macintosh MacOS mad science mad scientist made in one day madness mafia mage magellan mages magic Magic Disk magic door Magic Realism magic show magic system magic the gathering magic tricks magic wand magic-object magical girl magical grammar magical realism magical stone magician magicians Magnetic Scrolls magpie Magx source available mail mailbox mailman mainframe makers local makers local 256 makerslocal makeup making coffee making out malachy Malaysia male male fantasy male love interest male protagonist male romance option maledom mall management Mandarin Software Mandela effect manga manhunt manic Manichaeism mansion Manuel Sauceverde many authors map MAPPER source available mapping maps marijuana marital harmony marital relationships maritime Mark Eaton marketing Markt & Technik Marooned marriage Mars marsh martial arts Martian Marvelous Spiral Studios Maryland masochism masque mass npc battle massive Mastertronic matches material science mathematics mating matriarchy matrix mature themes Maurice mayhem mayors maze mazes mc McDonalds MCDream meal mean meaning meaningful choices meaningful-choices meat mech mecha mechanic mechanical turk Mechanics mechanics-based Mecklenbug-Vorpommern Med Systems Software media medical medical abuse medical checkup medical doctor protagonist medical horror medical inaccuracy medicine medieval medium medium length medium length' Medium-Sized mega 65 MEGA65 melancholy Melbourne House melodrama melon meme memorable npc memorable npcs memorial Memories memory memory edge disorder memory test Memphis mental mental health mental illness menu-based merciful Mercury mermaid mermaids Mert Messenger meta meta-game metafiction metagame metal metamodern metaphor metaphysical metaphysics metapuzzle metapuzzle2011 metareference Mexico MI6 mice MICRO Micro Cabin micro-game micro-parser MicroHobby Micromega microwave Microworld Adventure Middle Ages Middle Canada Middle East middle school middle-age Middle-earth middleschool midlife crisis midnight midwestern gothic Milan mild cruelty to animals mild horror mild innuendo mild profanity mild violence mildly kinky military milk milk advocacy millennium Milliken Publishing Company million mimesis mind mind control mind reading mindless Mindscape mine Miners Minform Mini Mini games Mini-comp Mini-IF miniature protagonist minigame minigames minigolf minimal Minimalism minimalist minor flashing graphics Minotaur miracle mirror mirror world mirrors miserable misplaced Miss Congeniality Winner missing missing images missing people mississippi Missouri mistery MIT MIT license MLM mmo mmorpg mobile mobile exclusive mobile friendly mobile only MochiMedia Jan 2010 mock modem Moderately-Challenging modern modern day modern life modern ruins modified compiler moik moiki Mom moments out of time monarchy monastery money mongoose monk monkey monkey island monkeys monologue monster monster girl monster protagonist monster raising monsters Montenegro monty python humour moody moon Moonbase 3 moose moral moral choice moral dilemma moralistic morality mormon Mosaic Publishing motel mother mother protagonist Mother's Day Motherhood moths moulin Mount Muckerton mountain mountains mourning mouse over mouseover enhancements mouseovers moustache movie movie references movie tie-in Moving moving NPC MS-DOS MST3K MSX MSX 1 MSX 2 mtf MuCho mud MUDlike muerte mule multi media multi-ending multicolor links multilingual multimedia multiplayer multiple authors multiple choice multiple choices Multiple clubfloyd transcripts multiple endings multiple languages multiple medium multiple NPCs multiple paths multiple platforms multiple pov multiple protagonists multiple saves multiple solutions multiple-choices multiple-endings multiverse Mummy Munich murder murder mystery murder-mystery murdered protagonist Museum mushrooms music music box music puzzle music references musical Mustang Ranch Mustard mutants mutation mute protagonist muzac my flat My Little Pony myopic protagonist myst Mystery Mystery House-like Mystery of the Dark Manor mystic mystical mysticism myth Mythological mythology mythopoeic múltiples finales N-word in dialogue nail polish naked twine jam nameable protagonist nanny Nanocomps 1 Nanocomps 2 Nanocomps 3 NaNoRenO NaNoRenO 2022 NaNoRenO 2024 Narnia NarraScope 2020 Game Jam Narrascope Jam narrativa narrative narrative fiction native American natural language nature nature's wrath nausea nautical nautical directions Nautilus naval navel gazing navigate with arrow keys navigation puzzle navy Nazis Neanderthals near future necromancer necromancy necrophilia negative campaigning neighborhood association neo-twiny jam Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 neon neopets neopronouns netherworld never ending new beginnings New England New Jersey new mexico new orleans new souper senator u deluxe new weird new year New Year's Speed new years New York New Zealand newbie-friendly newsgame newspaper nform 7 Niccolo Machiavelli nicolas cage Nietzsche night night atmosphere nightclub nightclub setting NightFloyd transcript nightmare nightmare fuel nighttime nihilism ninja Ninjas Nintendo DS No Bunnies no downlaods required No Download no downloads required no end no EXAMINE no inventory no NPCs no parser no PC no recorded completions no restart no romance no saves no score no sound no undo nobility noble noir non human protagonist non violent story non-binary protagonist non-binary romance option non-chronological non-digital non-human npcs non-human player non-human protagonist non-interactive non-linear non-narrative non-parser in parser oriented system non-standard geography non-standard system non-verbal protagonist nonbinary nonbinary protagonist nonexistent nonfiction nongraphic violence nonhuman antagonists nonhuman protagonist nonhuman? my eye noninteractive nonlinear nonsensical nonstandard nonstandard directions nonverbal protagonist Norse North Star Horizon Norwegian nosferatu nostalgia not a game not available in German not complete not playable on mac note-taking recommended Notre Dame Nouilles Nouvim3000 Novel novicegame NPC based hint system NPC narrator NPC parser npcs nsfw nuclear nuclear disaster nuclear war nuclear weapons nudity nun nunnery nursery rhyme nursing home NYC nyop Obama objectification obsession occasional strong language Occitanie occult occupy OCD ocean octopus Odisea Software Odysseus odyssey Oedipus Oedipus Rex offensive Offensive humor office office politics offspring Ogden ogre Ohio oil oil rig old old boy old film old protagonist Old School old school; fantasy; mainframe; parser old style old-school Old-style older protagonist olfactory Olivetti M20 on Jay is Games on rails one button one ending one move One Room Game Competition 2005 one room game competition 2006 One-Room Game Competition 2006 One-Room Game Competition 2007 One-Room Game Competition 2008 one-word parser oneiromancy online only available on the Wayback Machine only bad endings open adventure open source open world open-ended opera operating system opium pipe optimisation puzzle Optional registration Optional romance OR oracle orange orc orchid orcs Oregon organised crime Oric Orient Orifice Jam original soundtrack orks Orléans Ormul orphanage orphans orpheus orwellian OS X Otome ott otter outdoor outdoors outrigger owl oxcart oxenfree Oxford oxygen Oz pacific northwest pacifism paddling pagan pain painting Pakistan palace Paleolithic Palestine palm tree Panama pancake pandemic pandemic fiction Panem panzitoum paperblurt papers papparazzi parallelepipedon paranoia paranormal parasites Parchment parent parent mc parent-child relationships parenting parents Paris park park ranger parody parrot parser parser coding parser-choice hybrid ParserComp 2015 Parsercomp 2021 ParserComp 2022 ParserComp 2023 ParserComp 2024 parserù Part of a Series part one particle partim partim500 party party planning pascal Pascal source available passing passion past past tense pastiche pastor paternoster Patrones & Escondites Paul Young paw PAWS PAX East 2011 IF Demo Fair pbbg pc PC Eamon Museum PC-88 PCjr peaceful peanuts peculiar pen-and-paper penguins Pennsylvania pentagram Penultimate not numbered Speed IF People's Champion Tournament 2025 perfume Perigosan period piece permadeath Perplexity personal personalisation personality test Peru pet Pets Pewdiepie pg 13 phallophilia phd philadelphia philosophical philosophical fantasy philosophy phoenix Phoenix mainframe Phoenix Software phone photographs photography photos PHP PHP source available physical abuse physical simulation physics piano pickaxe pickle pickles pickyourpath PICO-8 pictograms picture pictures pie pig pillow pink pipe Piranha Software pirate pirate ship Pirates pirsig pistol Pittsburgh Pixel Pixel Art pixies pizza plagiarism plague plain text plan view plan9 Planescape planet planets plant plant protagonist plants plastic platformer Platonic character routes platonic solids platypi plauges play play by tweet play once play online playable offline Played player character customization player choices playfic playground pliers plot Plus/4 Plus4 pnjs pnws poaching poc poc protagonist pocket watch podcasts poe poem poem collection poems poetic poetry point and click poison pokemon poker Poland polar station Polarware polemic police police brutality police cover up policy polished political political fantasy political intrigue politician politics polka dots pollution polyamory polynesia pond Pond Soft ponies pony Pool poop pop pop art pop culture pop-culture references popcorn pope popularisation porn porn star pornography port portal fantasy portrait Portugal Portuguese possession post-apocalyptic post-IF post-modern post-singularity postal worker postapocalypse posthuman postmortem potentially offensive content potion potted plant pov poveglia island poverty Powerfist Licenceware powers prairie prank prayer pre-teen pregnancy Prehistoric prehistory Premio Avventura dell'Anno Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2000 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2001 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2002 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2003 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2004 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2005 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2006 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2008 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2009 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2010 Premios Hispanos a la Aventura 2011 Première prequel preschool present present tense Presentation preview pride priest primitive parser prince princess princesses print prison privacy private private detective Private Dick private investigator procedural procedural generation procedural text generation procrastination product placement Proein Soft Line profane profanity profantiy profeta program programming prohibition project prom prompted ask/tell prompted conversation proof-of-concept propaganda prophecy prose prose poetry prostitution protagonist protagonist selection protection protest protests prototype Proyecto Vampiro pseudo-broken pseudo-old-school PSP psychedelic psychiatry psychic psychics psycho psychological psychological horror Psychopaths psychosis puberty Public Domain public transport Published 1979 Published 1980 Published 1981 Published 1982 Published 1983 Published 1984 Published 1985 Published 1986 Published 1987 Published 1988 Published 1989 Published 1990 Published 1991 Published 1992 Published 1993 Published 1995 Published 1996 Published 1998 Published 2000 Published 2001 Published 2002 Published 2003 Published 2006 Published 2007 Published 2008 Published 2009 Published 2010 Published 2011 Published 2012 Published 2013 Published 2014 Published 2015 Published 2016 Published 2017 Published 2018 Published 2019 Published 2020 Published 2021 Published 2022 Published 2023 Published 2024 Published in 2024 publishing puffin pulp pulpy pumpkin pumpkins punk punny puns PunyInform PunyInform source available punyjam PunyJam #1 PunyJam #2 PunyJam #3 PunyJam #3 Entry PunyJam #4 PunyJam#2 puppets puppy puppy NPC purgatory purple prose puzzle puzzle box puzzle combat Puzzle Fest puzzle heavy puzzle-driven puzzlefest puzzleless puzzles puzzlescript puzzless pyp pyramid pyramids Pythagoras python QB45 qb64 qbasic qte quality-based narrative Quandary quarantine Quasimodo queen queer queer horror queer protagonist queerness quest Quest 5 Quest for Seven Spheres Quest source available questions quests quick quick games quick play quick time events Quixe quiz quotations rabbi rabbit raccoon raccoons race racism raconteur radio radiohead radios railroad rain Rainbird Rainbird Software rainbow Rambo ramen Ramus random random combat random generation randomized rape rape references rapist rat rat race rats raven RC2014 read my mind reading readthrough mode ready-player-one real life real setting real-time real-time delays realism realistic realistic fiction reality television reality tv Really Bad IF Jam rebellion recess recipe recipe jam recommended for beginners recommended for children reconstruction recovery Recreational Drugs recursive exploration red dress red eye reddit redlac refined over time reflection reflections refugee Regency regrets reincarnation relateable Relational Systems relationship relationship values relationships relative directions relative navigation Relaxing religion religious religious horror religious trauma remake remaster remastered reminiscences remorse remote control Ren'Py Renaissance renpy repair puzzles repairs repeating repetition replay replay puzzle replayability replayable repossession Repressed republic require manual research Resist Jam resistjam resource management resource timers respect ressurecction restart restaurant restaurant setting restricted parser restrictive parser resume resurrection retirement retro retro-machines retrospective reunion revenge reverse horror reverse video Review revival jam revolt revolution RGB Cycle rhode island RHPS rhymes richard goodness Richard Shepherd Software riddle riddles ridiculous ring RISC OS RiscOS ritual rituals river river styx Road Trip roadtrip Robert Howard Robin Hood robopirate robot robot protagonist robot sidekick roboticization robots Robyn Saga Rod Serling rogue roguelike rol role playing role-playing roleplay roleplaying roleplaying game rollercoaster romance romance option romania Romans romantic romantic comedy romanticism rome room room-name room-name navigation roots rope roshambo royal protagonist royalism royalty RPCEmu Emulator rpg RPG elements rpg maker rpg maker mv RPGgeek RPGmakerVX rubrication Rue ruinjam ruins rules Rum RUNDSOFT rural rusalka rusalki Russia Russian RVExpo S.A.G.A. sabotage sacrifice sad sadism sadness safari setting sailing Sailor sailors Saint-Florent-le-Vieil SAL salami Salty Software Sam Coupe sample game samurai San Francisco sand sandbox sandman SANTA Santoonie Corporation sapphic sarcasm sasquatch satanic satantic satire Halloween Competition 2009 sauna sausage save the world saveable saves scarabee scarecrow scars Scarsdale scary scatological scavenger hunt scene scent scheduling schizophrenia school school setting science science fantasy science fiction scientific experimentation scientists Scientology score score based score-based scoreless scorpion Scotland scots Scottish Scottish politics scouting SCREAM JAM 2022+1 screen reader screwball comedy screwdriver script script errors script format scroller scrying scuba sculpture sea sea creatures sea monster sea monsters seahorse search search engine seashore season Seasonal Seattle second person second person plural second world war secret secret agent secret identities secret message secret mission secret passages secret police Secrets seduction seedcomp SeedComp23 SeedComp24 seeking seer SegmentComp SEL selectable answers self discovery self esteem self harm self-aware self-care self-harm self-mutilation self-referential selkies seltani semi-horror senator Senica Thing senryu Sens Dessus Dessous sensational sense of wonder sense-based puzzle senseless sensory sentient character sentient computer sequel sequence puzzles serial killer serialized series serious serious games service station Setanta Seurat references Seventh-Day Adventist sex sex change sex ed sex work sexism sexting sexual sexual abuse sexual assault sexual coercion sexual content sexual harassment sexual innuendo sexual references sexual themes sexual violence sexuality sexuality choice SFX Shakespeare shapeshift shapeshifting share shareware shark Sharp MZ-700 Sharp MZ-80K she rises sheep shelter shemale Sheriff sherlock sherlock holmes shinto magic ship ship wreck ships shoegazing shoes shooter shooting shop shopping shopping mall shops short short fiction Short Games Showcase 2024 short narrative short story shortcuts shovel shuffle fiction ShuffleComp ShuffleComp 2023 ShuffleComp 2024 ShuffleComp: Disc 2 sibling siblings side quest sidekick NPC sidekick protagonist sidhe Sierra On-Line sign language Silicon Beach Software Silicon Software silk silly silver bullet Silversoft sim Simon & Schuster simple simulates computer interface simulation simulation argument simulation hypothesis simulationist puzzles simulator Sinclair Sinclair QL Singapore singing single choice single choice jam single command single move single puzzle single room single-player singularity sinister butler siren sirens Sirius Software Sissy Sissyfication sister sisterhood Sisychickenphus sitting simulator Situationism Skateboard skeleton skeleton protagonist skeletons skeletton skipping school skull skunk ape Sky Skype slang slapstick slasher slaughter slavery slavic Slavic folklore sleep sleep deprivation sleep timer sleeping sleeping beauty sleepless sleepover slice of life slick sliders slideshow sliding Slovak slow small small house small map small town Small-Sized smartphone smell smoking smoochie jam SmoochieComp SMS snail mail snake snake oil snakes snark snarky snippets snow snow storm Snow White Snowman so bad its good soap opera SoCal soccer social social anxiety social commentary social coordination social event social justice social media social networks social politics social sci-fi Sociopath Socrates soda soft sci-fi Softdisk 137 Softdisk 152 Softdisk 156 Softdisk 159 SoftSide Softside Publications Softworks AGT competition 1986 Softworks AGT competition 1988 Softworks AGT competition 1989 Softworks AGT competition 1990 Softworks AGT competition 1991 Softworks AGT competition 1992 Softworks AGT competition 1993 sokoban solar panel solarpunk soldiers solemn solitary confinement somekidwithhtml song song references songbird soothing sorcerer Sorceress sorcery sorting hat branching soul souldepthsint soulmates sound sound effects sound puzzle soundtrack soup source available source better than game Source is part of experience source worse than game South America Southern Southern Gothic southern united states Southwest soviet Soviet Union spa space space adventure space colony space exploration space opera space probe space proble space ship space station space trading space travel spaceship spaceship protagonist spaceship setting spacesuit spacewalk Spain Spam Spanish Spanish available Spanish Minicomps 1 Spanish Minicomps 2 Spanish Minicomps 2005 sparse implementation special special forces special inheritance spectacle Spectral Associates Spectrum Spectrum +3 Spectrum Next speculative speculative fiction speech speech impediment speed speed date speed IF Speed IF Let's Make a Nightmare Speed-IF Speed-IF -1 Speed-IF 10^-9 Speed-IF 11 Speed-IF 12 Speed-IF 13 Speed-IF 14 Speed-IF 15 Speed-IF 16 Speed-IF 17 Speed-IF 18 Speed-If 19 Speed-IF 20 Speed-IF 2000 Speed-IF 2001 Speed-IF 5th Anniversary Speed-IF 7 Speed-IF 8 Speed-IF 9 Speed-IF >= 20 Speed-IF Argonaut Speed-IF Autocratic Fist Speed-IF Century Speed-IF Copyright Speed-If Crinkle-Cut Speed-IF EXTREME Speed-IF Gruff Speed-IF Halloween 2002 Speed-If Jacket Speed-IF Jacket 2 Speed-IF Jacket 3 Speed-IF Late Speed-IF Neologism Speed-IF O Speed-IF of Destiny Speed-IF Orange Speed-IF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax Speed-IF Scenario 1 Speed-IF Schmeed-IF Speed-If Spring Training Speed-IF That Dare Not Speak Its Number Speed-IF Third Anniversary Speed-IF ToasterComp II Speed-IF U Speed-IF Without Number Speed-IF XYZZY Speed-IF Y Speed-IF y=1/x Speed-IF Zombie SpeedApocalypse speedboat speedif SpeedIF 1 SpeedIf 2 SpeedIF 3 SpeedIF 4 SpeedIF 5 SpeedIF 5.5 SpeedIF 6 SpeedIF April 2000 SpeedIF April 2001 SpeedIF April 2002 SpeedIF April 2003 SpeedIF April 2004 SpeedIF April 2008 SpeedIF April 2011 SpeedIF August 2000 SpeedIF August 2001 SpeedIF August 2005 SpeedIF August 2007 SpeedIF December 1998 SpeedIF December 1999 SpeedIF December 2001 SpeedIF December 2002 SpeedIF December 2007 SpeedIF December 2008 SpeedIF February 2002 SpeedIF February 2004 SpeedIF Jacket 4 SpeedIF January 2000 SpeedIF January 2001 SpeedIF January 2002 SpeedIF January 2003 SpeedIF January 2004 SpeedIF January 2006 SpeedIF July 2000 SpeedIF July 2001 SpeedIF July 2003 SpeedIF July 2004 SpeedIF July 2005 SpeedIF June 2000 SpeedIF June 2001 SpeedIF June 2003 SpeedIF March 2001 SpeedIF March 2002 SpeedIF March 2003 SpeedIF May 2000 SpeedIF May 2001 SpeedIF May 2003 SpeedIF May 2006 SpeedIF May 2008 SpeedIF May 2011 SpeedIF November 1999 SpeedIF November 2001 SpeedIF October 1998 SpeedIF October 2000 SpeedIF October 2002 SpeedIF October 2006 SpeedIF September 1999 SpeedIF September 2001 SpeedIF September 2003 SpeedIF September 2004 spelling spells spelunking sphinx spider spiders spies Spinnaker spirit animal spirit magic spirits spiritualism spoilers spoke and hub spoken narration spongebob Spooktober Visual Novel Jam Spooktober Visual Novel Jam 2022 spooky Sport sports spot the difference Spring Break Spring Thing 2002 Spring Thing 2003 Spring Thing 2005 Spring Thing 2006 Spring Thing 2007 Spring Thing 2008 Spring Thing 2009 Spring Thing 2011 Spring Thing 2012 Spring Thing 2013 Spring Thing 2014 Spring Thing 2015 Spring Thing 2016 Spring Thing 2017 Spring Thing 2018 Spring Thing 2019 Spring Thing 2020 Spring Thing 2021 Spring Thing 2022 Spring Thing 2023 Spring Thing 2024 Spring Thing Game Spring Thing Winner spy spying Square SQUARE ENIX Squiffy Squiffy source available squire squirrel squirrels St Bride's stabbing STAC stage magic stalker stalking stammering standard difficulty Stanford star trek Star Wars Starbyte starcraft staring stars starter starvation stats statue stealth steam steampunk Stephen King stereotypes stickman Stiffy Makane still life stolen Stolen Cover Art Stone Age stoner stories storm story Story based story collection Story Driven story game story rich story-driven Story-rich Storyharp storylets StoryNexus StorySpace storytelling storytime stowaway Strand stranded stranded spaceship puzzle strange strangers strategy stream of consciousness street street art street urchin street-art stress Strokes strong characterization strong language strong npcs strong profanity student project study stuttering style styx sub-Q magazine sub-q-Sub-Q Magazine submarine Submission subQjam 2018 SubQJam 2019 suburban Suburbs subversion Subway succubus sudden death suffering Sugarcane Sugarcube suggestive content suicide suicidio suitcase Sukeban Games Summer Summer Camp sunflowers Sunteam Super Eamon super mario super powers super weapons Superhero superheroe superheroes supermarket supernatural supernatural protagonist superpower superpowers superstition supremacy sureal surgery surprisingly not pornographic surprisingly not puzzleless Surreal surrealism surrealist surveillance survey survival Survival Horror survivalvis suspence suspense suspenseful swamp swamp monster Swamp Noir swappable protagonists swashbuckling violence swashcomp swearing swears Sweden Swedish sweet Swimming Swimming Pool swollen member sword sword & planet sword and sorcery sword-fighting swords sympathetic characters Synapse synesthesia Syria systematic puzzles T T.A.G. T/SAL source available TAB tablet tacos tactics tactile TADS tads 2 TADS 3 TADS2 source available TADS3 TADS3 (adv3lite) TADS3 source available TAG Tagalog Taiwan Talent Computer Systems tales talking mirror talos principle talp talp21 talp22 talp23 Tandy Corporation tanis tanka taoism TAPLO tarot tarot cards tasteless tasty tavern taxes taxi tea teacher teaching tearjerker tears technocracy technology teen Teen Comedy teen fiction teen protagonist teenage protagonist teenager teenagers Telarium TelegramComp telenovela telepathy telephone teleporter telescopic descriptions television Television based Tell4Play telltalestyle TematiComps 2001 TematiComps 2002 TematiComps 2005 Temple Tennessee tense Tension tentacle tentacles terminal illness terraforming terran terror Terrorism terse Test test as premise tetherball texas text text adventure text adventure engine Text Adventure Literacy Jam Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2021 Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2022 Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2023 Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 text adventurer protagonist text adventures text based text effects text in pictures text wall text-based text-only Textfire demo Grand Prix 2002 Grand Prix 2003 Grand Prix 2004 Grand Prix 2005 Grand Prix 2006 Grand Prix 2010 Textfyre texting textless Textpäckchen texture TextureWriter tg thalassophobia thanatos thanksgiving Thanksgiving Speed-IF the backrooms the devil the doctor did it the ecdysis The fourth 24 Hours of Inform The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Indigo New Language Speed IF The Knot the leviathan The Mary Celeste the Netherlands The Next Adventure Jam the ocean The Odd Competition The Odyssey the perils of litter the quill The Twilight Zone the world has begun to warm. The mosquitos will arrive soon theater theatre therapist therapy thespians They Might Be Giants thief thin Things Things Which Are Also Blue third dare third person This is a unique tag thomas j. devens thread threaded three little pigs Three Sigma three-parameter action thriller thrilling throwback TI-84+CE calculator TI-99/4A TI/99-4A Tianjin tic-tac-toe TIC80 tickling TiddlyWiki tie-in tiempo TIGSource time time travel time cave time cave branching time choices time limit time loop time machine time management time manipulation time travel Time Traveller time-out Timed timed input timed puzzle timed text timeline timelines Tin Man Games tinder Tiny Utopias Jam Titanic title is specific time Titre temporaire tlaotl toast toaster ToasterComp tobiassvenblad toilet toilet humor toilet humour toki pona Tokyo Tolkien Tolkienesque tomato surprise tomb tongue-in-cheek tool Top Ten Software Topologika torch effect Toronto tortoise torture torus touch-friendly touchscreen Tour tourism tourist towel tower Tower of Hanoi towers of Hanoi town Town news toxic relationship toy trade traditional tragedy trailer trailer park train training Trains trans trans love interest trans protagonist Trans Representation Jam Trans Representation Jam 24 transcript transformation transgender transgressive transhumanism transit translated translated game translated in Italian translation translation available translations translator transmasc transphobia trapped traps trash Trauma travel traveling salesman travelogue travesty treason treasure treasure hunt Treasure Hunt Jam Treasures treehouse trein trespassing triangle of identities tribute trick or treat trick or treating trick-or-treat Trillium trilogy trip tripods trippy trivia Trivially-Challenging trizbort map troll trolley problem trolls trophy case tropical island TRS CoCo TRS-80 TRS-80 MC-10 trucker true story Trump trumpet trust truth ttwine tudor tumbleweed Tumblr Tundra Turin turkey turkish turn limit turn-based combat turn-based combats turtle tutorial tutorial mode tv twie TWIFcomp Twilight Zone twin peaks twine twine game Twine source available Twine2 twinery twins Twiny Jam twinyjam twist twitter two mirrors reflecting each other Two word parset two-player two-word parser type-in game type-in listing Typescript source available typewriter effect typing effect Táin Bó Cúalnge U.S. Gold Ubi soft Ubud ucb ufo ugly UK ultimate ending Ultrasoft unarchived unavailable unconventional gameplay undead undead protagonist underappreciated underground underground cave underwall underwater underworld undo undum Undum source available unearthed stories unemployment unexpected chocolate Unfinishable unfinished unforgiven unfortunate erection unicorn unique United States Unity unity3d university Unix unixarcade unknown author unknown world unlockable chapters unlockable ending unluckiest man unmnemonic unmotivated Unnkulia unplayable unreality Unreliable Narrator unrequited love unscientific fiction unseen NPC unsolved unsolved game unsolved games unstable truth Unusual format unusual narrator unusual status line Unwinnable unworldly uploaded in current state to show to friends/coworkers uppers uquiz urban urban comedy urban exploration urban fantasy urban legend urban legends Ursula Le Guin usa Usborne Usenet user generated content USSR utilitarianism utopia Utrecht V Mini Comp vacation valentine's day valet valhalla Valve vampire vampire protagonist Vampire: the Masquerade vampires vampure Vancouver vanity project variable final score variable time-cost actions variables varytale Vatican City vault VC-20 vegas vegetables vehicle vehicles velociraptor Velox Fabula 2023 vending machine Venice Venus verb noun verbal abuse Verbose Verdeterrelike verity v verse versificator 2 Versu very brief VGG VIC-20 Victor Hugo Victoria Victorian victorian era video video games videogames vignette viking vikings village villages villain protagonist Vimeo vintage violence Virgin Games virtual reality virtual reality setting virtual world virus vision Visual visual basic Visual C++ visual novel visual puzzle Visual SINTAC source available vlinks VN Cup VN Cup 2023 voice voice acting voice input voiceover volcano voodoo Vorple Vorple source available voting voyeurism Vulcan vulgar w40k wacky aunt wacky uncle wacky wizard wait waiting walk Walk through walkie-talkie walking simulator walkthrough WalkthroughComp Wander war wargame Warhammer warhammer 40k warlock Warrior Warsaw Washington DC wasps Water water weird waterfall We Are Müesli weather web web based Web-Based webcomic wedding weed week weird weird fiction weirdcore well well written Weltenschmiede werewolf werewolves Westchester western whale whaling what if Wheat whedonverse whimsical whimsy Whiskey white white house who did it whodunit wholesome why Wife Wigan wiki Wikipedia wild west Wilderness will Will to Consciousness win by quitting win command wind Windham Classics windmill Windows Windrift Wine Winner of a comp Winnie-the-Pooh winter wip wireless Wireless radio witch witch protagonist witchcraft witches withdrawn from jam Withdrawn IFComp Game witty wizard wizards wlatc wlw Wodehouse wolf WOLF RPG Editor Contest 14 Wolfman wolves women women in history Women's Solidarity Wonderland Woods woopin' word word clouds word count limit word games word play word puzzle word-game wordless wordplay Work workday working working class workplace world world building world map World of Darkness World of Warcraft World War I World War II world-building Worldscape worms wrath wrestling wristwatch writer writer protagonist writing writing game writing process WTF wumpus ww2 WWI Wyndham x-trek xenophilia Xhoromag XVIIIth century Xyzzy Awards 1996 Xyzzy Awards 1997 Xyzzy Awards 1998 Xyzzy Awards 1999 Xyzzy Awards 2000 Xyzzy Awards 2001 Xyzzy Awards 2002 Xyzzy Awards 2003 Xyzzy Awards 2004 Xyzzy Awards 2005 Xyzzy Awards 2006 Xyzzy Awards 2007 Xyzzy Awards 2008 Xyzzy Awards 2009 Xyzzy Awards 2010 Xyzzy Awards 2011 Xyzzy Awards 2012 Xyzzy Awards 2013 Xyzzy Awards 2014 Xyzzy Awards 2015 Xyzzy Awards 2016 Xyzzy Awards 2017 Xyzzy Awards 2018 Xyzzy Awards 2022 XYZZY Best Game XYZZY Best Implementation XYZZY Best Individual NPC XYZZY Best Individual PC XYZZY Best Individual Puzzle XYZZY Best NPCs XYZZY Best Puzzles XYZZY Best Setting XYZZY Best Story XYZZY Best Supplemental Materials XYZZY Best Use of Innovation XYZZY Best Use of Medium XYZZY Best Use of Multimedia XYZZY Best Writing Xyzzy response XYZZY Special Recognition Y2K YA yak yandere Yarn ye ar yearbook yeast protagonist yes/no choices yes/no conversation yeti YKWIM Yorkshire you young adult young adult protagonist young detective youtube yuri z-code z-machine z-machine v3 Z-Machine version 1 z3 z5 zany zcode zen zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance Zenobi Software zeppelin zeus ZIL source available zombie Zombie Apocalypse zombies zombies? zoo Zork zorkian Zorkmid zQuill zx zx spectrum ZX Spectrum +3 ZX Spectrum Next ZX-81 ZX80 hostile NPC