Babelby Ian Finley1997 (154 ratings)
The Edificeby Lucian P. Smith1997 (85 ratings)
Sunset Over Savannahby Ivan Cockrum1997 (54 ratings)
Glowgrassby Nate Cull1997 (99 ratings)
A Bear's Night Outby David Dyte1997 (66 ratings)
She's Got a Thing for a Springby Brent VanFossen1997 (31 ratings)
Zero Sum Gameby Cody Sandifer1997 (16 ratings)
The Lost Spellmakerby Neil James Brown1997 (10 ratings)
Sins Against Mimesisby Adam Thornton1997 (22 ratings)
The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drangby Neil deMause1997 (11 ratings)
Downby Kent Tessman1997 (5 ratings)
The Unholy Grailby Stuart Allen1997 (3 ratings)
Zombie!by Scott Starkey1997 (3 ratings)
The Tempestby Graham Nelson and William Shakespeare1997 (5 ratings)
Madame L'Estrange and the Troubled Spiritby Ian Ball and Marcus Young1997 (4 ratings)
Poor Zefron's Almanacby Carl Klutzke1997 (4 ratings)
The Town Dragonby David Cornelson1997 (1 rating)
VirtuaTechby David S. Glasser1997 (6 ratings)
Leavesby Mikko Vuorinen1997 (2 ratings)
Phred Phontious and the Quest for Pizzaby Michael Zey1997 (2 ratings)
The Obscene Quest of Dr. Aardvarkbarfby Gary Roggin1997 (3 ratings)
Travels in the Land of Erdenby Laura Knauth1997 (3 ratings)
Temple of the Orc Mageby Gary Roggin1997 (2 ratings)
A Good Breakfastby Stuart Adair1997 (2 ratings)
Friday Afternoonby Mischa Schweitzer1997 (3 ratings)
A New Dayby Jonathan Fry1997 (7 ratings)
E-Mailboxby Jay Goemmer1997 (3 ratings)
Sylenius Mysteriumby C. E. Forman1997 (4 ratings)
Aunt Nancy's Houseby Nate Schwartzman1997 (4 ratings)
Pintownby Stefan Blixt1997 (2 ratings)
Coming Homeby Andrew Katz1997 (2 ratings)
Symetryby Ryan Stevens1997 (8 ratings)
Congratulations!by Frederick Hirsch1997 (3 ratings)
CASKby Harry M. Hardjono1997 (6 ratings)