Best games of the last 12-18 months? - an IFDB Poll

by Tobi Tesuji
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I haven't looked at any new games since more than one year. So, what did I miss? What are the best/most interesting games of the last 12-18 months?

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Bee, by Emily Short
7 votes
"One of the finest choice-based IF released this year" [+]"One of the finest choice-based IF released this year: Bee is about a home-schooled girl dealing with the joys and pains her unique situation brings her. It's also about what it feels like to live your life through an obsession. If you like Bee, you might also want to try out the other Varytale games as well." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Danielle... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --E.K.... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --streever...

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Olivia's Orphanorium, by Sam Kabo Ashwell
4 votes
"Casual life sim game, or dark parody thereof?" [+]"Casual life sim game, or dark parody thereof?: Surprise, it's both. Okay, maybe not the best, but I sure had a lot of fun with it." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --E.K.... (No comment) [+](No comment) --streever...

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Kerkerkruip, by Victor Gijsbers
3 votes
"The unique IF Roguelike!" [+]"The unique IF Roguelike!" () --Dannii... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Danielle... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Ghalev...

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Endless, Nameless, by Adam Cadre
2 votes
"Fun puzzles, curious structure." [+]"Fun puzzles, curious structure.: Don't be put off by the old-school wrapping of this one: there's more to it than initially appears, the writing is good, and the puzzles are entertaining and generally fair." () --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Trif...

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Dinner Bell, by Jenni Polodna
2 votes
"The funniest game I've played in a long time." [+]"The funniest game I've played in a long time." () --Sam Kabo Ashwell... "Another fine entry in Apollo 18+20" [+]"Another fine entry in Apollo 18+20: This is packed with in-jokes and references. Well used ones, at that!" () --Molly...

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The Statue Got Me High, by Ryan Veeder
2 votes
"Surrealist Gonzo Horror" [+]"Surrealist Gonzo Horror: An excellent adaption of the They Might Be Giants song of the same name. One of the best games from the Apollo 18+20 tribute 'album'." () --Molly... "Never heard the..." [+]"Never heard the song, but this short, abstract bit of strangeness is really work a look." () --Danielle...

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A Colder Light, by Jon Ingold
2 votes
"I, uh, haven't actually played this, but the reviews are good and you can play in your browser, so what are you waiting for?" [+]"I, uh, haven't actually played this, but the reviews are good and you can play in your browser, so what are you waiting for?: Fun fact: I just now realized this is a 2012 game. I thought it had been released in early 2011 or thereabouts." --Molly... "Evocative setting..." [+]"Evocative setting and a UI worth checking out." --Emily Short...

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Six, by Wade Clarke
2 votes
"Probably the most..." [+]"Probably the most polished, complete experience offered up in the last year." ( - Full review) --Joey Jones... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Karl Ove Hufthammer...

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The Play, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky)
2 votes
"Thought-provoking and very replayable" [+]"Thought-provoking and very replayable: If Bee is the best Choice-based IF of this year, The Play is the best CBIF of LAST year. If you want more CYOA fun, there was a game called The Binary, also released in the 2011 Comp, with a more adventure-gamey set-up." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Karl Ove Hufthammer...

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Home Sweetie-Bot Home, by Jacques Frechet
1 vote
"Quick and charming, with some interesting mechanics" [+]"Quick and charming, with some interesting mechanics: It's no Shakespeare, but it is very charming. You can play it by typing out commands like a traditional text adventure, or you can click on keywords, or you could control it through voice commands, if you have a microphone set up." () --Molly...

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Nostrils of Flesh and Clay, by Porpentine
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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Andromeda Dreaming, by Joey Jones
1 vote
"Impressive polish and story." [+]"Impressive polish and story.: Mature in every aspect, the game succeeds in being fun to play, fun to read and fun to discover." () --Marco Innocenti...

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Fingertips: I'm Having a Heart Attack, by Andrew Schultz
1 vote
"One-move show biz satire" [+]"One-move show biz satire: This is an unfairly neglected (imo) entry in the Apollo 18+20 project. It's probably a lot funnier if you've watched a lot of health movies in school, but I think at its heart (haha) it's ultimately an old-fashioned spoof of show biz, focusing on the lengths one goes to gain even the tiniest sliver of fame." () --Molly...

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Cana According To Micah, by Christopher Huang (as Rev. Stephen Dawson)
1 vote
"Shockingly good adaption of a Gospel passage" [+]"Shockingly good adaption of a Gospel passage: Shockingly, because so many religious games end up as Evangelical pap. This game, though, has a lot of heart to go with its theology. One caveat: If you don't come from a Christian background, a lot of the puzzles can be more challenging than they're meant to be." () --Molly...

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Poll created on September 23, 2012