Stephane F.'s Played Games

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2112, by Anonymous
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

À la basse et au chant, by Eva Simonin
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Une respiration difficile résonne dans vos oreilles. Un voile pesant étouffe tous vos autres sens. Le sang bat dans vos veines en un rythme lourd, juste un peu trop rapide.
An Abbreviated Night Before Christmas, by Adam Thornton
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)
Clement Clarke Moore is rolling in his grave.

Age of Fable, by James Hutchings
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Age of Fable is a free role-playing game which you play through your web browser. Its style is deliberately 'retro', based on the gamebooks whose popularity peaked in the 80s such as Fighting Fantasy, Lone...

Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Average member rating: (329 ratings)

"Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a...

Akabane Nights, by Dobromir Harrison
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

You're a vampire living near Akabane Station in Northern Tokyo. Can you make it through another night unscathed, or will your baser urges give you away? "WARNING: It has bad language, (mild) sexual content...

all you have to do is survive, by Lily Lapidese
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Your government loves you very much! Make good choices! -- A Twine game with multiple endings. Made for #ResistJam.

And You May Find Yourself, by VPC
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

You awake one morning with a beautiful house, and a beautiful wife, and no idea how you got there.

Basket-ball, by auraes
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Devenez un champion de basket-ball. Basket-ball est un petit exercice de programmation avec la bibliothèque Inform 6.12. Selon la précision de l’énoncé de l’action, la probabilité de réussir le...

The Blind House, by Amanda Allen
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

I scarcely know the woman at my side. I don't even know why she was the one I turned to. I can only hope that we haven't been followed, that she won't ask too many questions. The only choice left to me now...

Brume, by Rémi Verschelde (Akien)
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A small game that won the French IF Comp 2008, in which you have to find the exit of an unknown room... but you wake up in some kind of altered state if I may say so... The emphasis has been set on the...

Castelrous, by Julien Frison
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Fils d’un petit baron occitan durant la croisade contre les Albigeois, vous devez faire face à un assaut des croisés aux portes de votre château.

Castle Ralf, by Doug Clutter and Steve Vance
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

In this puzzle-filled escape game, you play as someone who was trying to drive to Hat City, but you got lost, then lost a tire, then got trapped inside Castle Ralf when the drawbridge collapsed into...
Catapole, by Adrien Saurat
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
« On a terminé ? — Non, il reste la 112… — Encore ? J’en peux plus ! — Courage, on a presque fini. » Quand faut y aller, faut y aller… En tant que jeune ramoneur plein d’avenir, vous êtes,...

City of Dead Leaves, by Felix Pleșoianu
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

There's nothing left in your life. There's nothing left in anyone's life. Will he even remember you after all this time? Will he want you back? ...

Comédie, by Monsieur Bouc
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

An entry in the 2015 French Comp. "C'est l'hiver et la nuit a déjà commencé de tomber. Les révèrbères alignés dans la rue se reflètent sur les vitrines. Quelques voitures passent, faisant grand bruit...

Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Marrow is delicious but that's not why you're here. You're supposed to pick up a single jar of alien bone jelly, which of course can't exist and doesn't exist, so you've convinced yourself that transporting...

The Curse of Rabenstein, by Stefan Vogt
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

"We should try to find a place to stay for the night. The horses need a rest." Those were the coachman's last words before he disappeared without a trace. Lost deep in the Black Forest, you soon find out...

Divine Bonace, by Hugo Labrande
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

An entry in the 2007 French IF Comp.

Don't Mind My Apocalypse Head, by Bruno Dias
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A social anxiety body horror short story about surviving a dinner party when you are just a little bit possessed by an entity that wants to bring about the end of the universe. Features nine official endings...

Drive-In, by Douglas C. Rogers
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Ekphrasis, by FibreTigre
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Enigma, by Simon Deimel
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Eyes can see, and a mind can think. Insanity is just one step away. You are in a room. That's where you are, and you know exactly what is going on. But the truth is hard to take. The game file includes hints...

Escape Game, by Bryan
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Vous vous réveillez au milieu d’une pièce bien éclairée. Devant vous se trouvent plusieurs écrans, sur le côté, il y a une porte fermée protégée par un code. De l’autre côté de la pièce, il...

Every Day the Same Dream, by Luis Gonzalez
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

Welcome to the rat race. (A text adventure game based on the game by the same name created by

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