Ratings by BlitzWithGuns

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View this member's reviews by tag: 2014 IF Competition 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event
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Venus Meets Venus, by kaleidofish
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Unform, by S. Elize Morgan
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The Urge, by PaperBlurt
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Zest, by Fear of Twine (Richard Goodness, lectronice, PaperBlurt)
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Tea Ceremony, by Naomi Hinchen
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Ugly Oafs, by Andrew Schultz as Perry Creel
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The Secret Vaults of Kas the Betrayer, by A.E. Jackson
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Sigmund's Quest, by Gregor Holtz
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Slasher Swamp, by Robot
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Raik, by Harry Giles
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

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