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Who Stole My Sausages?, by estif, interstitial, CliffRaven, mackhep07
Meaty Mystery , May 9, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: dialoguejam

Who Stole My Sausages is a quirky little mystery made in Twine, centred around the theft of a package of sausages in a communal fridge of a student house. With your background in psychology, you are chosen as the mandated detective. With its light-hearted tone, you end up encountering a lot of sausage-related puns (like when you choose your name at the start, PI Porkins).

The mechanic of the game is fairly simple: interview your housemates, find flaws in their rebuttal and confront them about it, and… solve the mystery. You will need quite a bit of back and forth between the different NPCs to unlock the true ending (any wrong reveal will send you back right into the action).

The interface is pretty cool, as it was made to look like a Visual Novel, with sprites of the different NPCs, separate backgrounds for each location, and cool background music to match. While it is getting more common to see Twine games with a custom interface, it is not every day that you see a Visual Novel made in Twine.

The story itself relies on twists and half-truth, with a shocking ending that no one could have predicted (wink wink if you check the suspects list before making up your mind…). It works as intended.
Though, I do have a bit of a quip when it comes to the overused trope of (Spoiler - click to show)the vegetarian who will still eat meat in secret here and there because *shrugging* why have moral convictions…

One last thing that would have been helpful is a way to review the clues found, especially when it comes to counter-argue with the housemate. You get quite a bit of information from each NPC...

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