This is a short, atmospheric Twine game with two endings.
It's hard to describe, so I'll go with what my first impressions were, then what I built up afterwards.
It starts talking about returning to another choice, with three voices whispering to you. Having recently done some surface-level study of Hinduism, I wondered if it was related to the cycle of rebirth and the Trimurti, although I didn't find much evidence of that later.
Then the game starts going through a week at an office one day at a time. No one really pays attention to you, and you mentally rate things from 1-3 stars when you see them (maybe you can do 4 or 5 if you wait long enough for timed text but I never saw a choice to pick those, only having one chosen for me). You have a crush on a guy you see outside the window whom you hope you can see, too.
Things change near the end; there's an interlude on Wednesday night involving a trip (to Italy, I think?) where your persona seems to change, but it's gone the next day.
After finishing the game and replaying, here's what I think's going on:
(Spoiler - click to show)
You are a spirit. No one can see you, except animals. The deaths of animals gives you more physical presence on a limited basis proportional to the complexity or size of the animal.
You are here because the three people in the office with you left a woman to die in a ravine after a team-building exercise. Your job as a ghost is to bring that fact to their attention.
The three at the beginning have given you similar tasks before, and ask you to do this one with positivity. Whether you are positive or not throughout the game leads to the two endings. I believe the 1-3 star ratings control that positivity.
I'm still not sure who the three are (Christian trinity? Greek fates?) or who you are (Jess's spirit? an angel?) or what the Italian interlude is (is that you in a past life?).
Overall, the color and atmosphere were good. Timed text was used occasionally and was just infrequent enough not to be annoying. It felt like the plot was resolved, although I had trouble feeling out consistent themes or patterns in the different threads.
There were several minor typos, usually a letter or two wrong. If the author were to do a post-comp release, I'd suggest going to Twinery and using the Proof button in the Build tab to get a dump of all text in the game and to run it through a spellchecker; I've done that before because I've made numerous typos in my own games and books.
I liked this game, and would play more from this author.
I'm surprised this one has no review yet, I think this is the most fun jkj yuio game I've played so far.
It's a direct use of Dr Who characters and lore. You play as the doctor, with companion Bex, who only appeared in an audio drama (unless the name is a coincidence). You've accidentally teleported into a Dalek base and need to get out.
The game is a light snack, a thirty minute adventure with few puzzles and mostly exploration. The Daleks here are powerful but not the strongest they've ever been, lacking some core skills they've had in other adaptations.
The 3d models jkj yuio makes look a lot better in this than before, you can tell his skill is increasing. I think the mechanical nature of much of the scenery in the game helps with that, but also the faces are less uncanny-valley.
Overall, I enjoyed this. Is it because it relies heavily on a media franchise I like or because of the author's own merits? Maybe both; I feel like the author's enthusiasm for Dr Who led to a strong effort. In any case, this doesn't take very long to play, so it's worth checking out.
**Verses** by Kit Riemer
This was a hard game to play, but not for the usual reasons. It wasn't difficult in a puzzly way and it didn't make me feel bad inside.
This game was hard to play because the text really made me have to think to understand it, to try to piece together everything, to absorb the different layers of meaning going on.
Here's an example. The links in this game are colored differently, with one mostly representing 'forward motion' and the others side details which are placed below the main text. These side details take the form of definitions and can vary from mundane to metaphorical, often one right after the other. Here's a snippet I clipped:
(Spoiler - click to show)
air: the chill makes you shiver.
smoke: something becoming something else.
meat: how would it feel to be cooked?
So I felt like I was wrestling with a hydra, trying to take on this game on multiple narrative levels at once.
I failed, I think. I can only identify the surface themes in this story, alas.
Which is why I've delayed describing the story so far, because I'm not sure I can.
As far as I can tell, it's set in a different timeline than ours where biological modification is common and words usually reserved for religion are applied to other mysterious phenomena.
You are an analyst, which seems to be a job involving organic, technological and spiritual components. You are assigned into the middle of nowhere with little company in a rotting building. Every day you're asked to analyse, partly using the computer and partly using your own intuition. The whole process actually just now reminded me of accounts of Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Mormon, first using a tool designed by God for the purpose before later relying on it less.
Analysis seems to be all about interpreting the words that come to you, but those words are unclear at first. Simultaneously, the game includes many translations of poems, going into great detail of the difficulties in preserving metaphor, beauty, rhyme scheme and tone between Hungarian, Romanian, and English. It was fun learning a bit of Romanian (I saw a word for claw or hoof that looked like 'ungulate'). The protagonist takes special pride in translating poems with good meter.
The translation and the analysis seem to go hand in hand, but of the rest of the story, what does it mean? I visit a farm which I've already heard rumours about, and find (Spoiler - click to show)masses of bioflesh with human organs waiting to be harvested. As I translate more, I (Spoiler - click to show)lose my humanity, my eye, my leg, my ability to speak. I consume the flesh of the unholy and the dead. What does it mean? It feels almost like Kafka's "In der Strafkolonie", with its vivid and violent semi-religious imagery with no explicit moral or meaning.
I don't think this is a game meant to be enjoyed in a brief time to serve as entertainment; it feels like something designed to provoke thought, like someone deliberately crafted something to cause as much pondering as possible.
As a final note, what I think is going on with analysis is that (Spoiler - click to show)the biscuits you consume are pieces of waste extruded by long-dead aliens that preserve some of their consciousness, which you slowly become attuned to at the price of your own body and mind. They appreciate this as it grants them some freedom, but you yourself lose everything.
In any case, definitely a game worth checking out. I found a small bug where I had to click on some links repeatedly before they worked, but it's been passed on to the author and a workaround may be available. I wouldn't let that stop you from playing, though, it worked well for me even with that.
This game was interesting; I'm not sure if it's actually complete or not, as the story ended a little abruptly for me. It did give me an ending screen, and I downloaded it and checked and found a few side stories I missed, but overall, it felt like a plot arc was building up to something but just kind of stopped right before the apex.
This game is about a tense Thanksgiving with family that doesn't really get you and a variety of unusual occurrences. Plot threads include a bigoted uncle, hiding your sexuality, learning family secrets, and (Spoiler - click to show)experiencing weird visions.
Also, everyone treats you like you're vegan but it seems like you're not really heavily vegan? That part wasn't clarified, but most of the plot points aren't. This seems more like a character-focused mood piece. You can talk to your uncle a bit, and you can decide how much to interact with your boyfriend on the phone, but (Spoiler - click to show)the visions you see don't really seem to have a resolution that I could find.
So I'm not sure how I feel about this story. The writing was good; I was invested in the characters and the overall feel. I just felt something missing in the end. But at least it's good that I wanted more of the game and not less!
This was a long game! It took me around 3 to 4 hours to finish, possibly because clicking links wasn't quite as fast as typing, but it went well.
Two of the most enjoyable murder mysteries of the last ten years are Erstwhile, a twine game where a ghost has to try to solve his own murder, and Toby's Nose, a parser game where a dog has to aid Sherlock Holmes.
This game combines the two! It's a parser-choice hybrid where you are a ghost that has to influence your dog to solve your own crime.
The setup is a classic murder mystery: you have died in the middle of the night, and four people stand to inherit from you. Each suspect has to be cleared or convicted before the day is through.
The game relies heavily on physics and on the five senses, as well as interactions with the neighboring humans.
Overall I found it very fun. I'd like to describe some nitpicks with the puzzles but those should come with the caveat that I had a good time!
The thing with some of the puzzles is that I could conceive of many possible solutions to problems but couldn't tell what the game was looking for or what effect things would have. How much do lights illuminate things? How far does sound travel? How does a dog communicate with a human?
I grew a bit frustrated, but a light bulb went off when I realized how few red herrings the game has (although they're there!). I changed from *deductive* reasoning to *inductive* reasoning. Instead of making a plan and trying to figure out how to achieve it, I looked at the items, actions and locations I hadn't used yet and thought, 'How can I do something with this?'
Occasionally there were plotlines that stretched my disbelief (especially the amount of things the dog got away with) but not so much more so than a normal mystery book.
Overall, I enjoyed the high level of polish. I realized later on that the 'find ____' options were actually really good at zipping you through the map quickly; if you remember where something is, you can just type it in and click on the 'find such and such' link and go there immediately. I also liked the characters of Watson and Davis.
The hint system works very well. The game has some automatic hints at the beginning which were a bit too spoilery for me, but fortunately the author has added a way to turn those off; the normal hints, on the other hand, can be accessed at any time.
Playing this game was a whirlwind of associations, expectations, references, and laughs.
You play as the valet to Bruce Wyatt, billionaire playboy, who is undergoing a crisis of sorts at the worst possible time. He's acting, well, like a bat, fleeing bright light sources, screeching, and crawling around. All this is happening right when a fudnraiser party/gala is about to start!
The story is divided into an act/scene structure. And my expectations swirled around. Spoiler-heavy discussion:
(Spoiler - click to show)
At first, I thought the game would be a Verdeterre-style optimization game as we struggle to make enough money, a game that would be heavily replayable but relatively brief. I thought the story was a reference to Der Fledermaus, a comic opera I've seen a few times but have mixed up with Der Rosenkavalier at times.
Then I started thinking that the money changes weren't related to optimization, but rather a way to inject additional humor into a scenario. Having someone get injured or annoyed or amused can be mildly funny in and of itself but attaching a specific dollar amount to it is especially amusing.
Similarly, I realized that this was a Batman parody when I saw the names of Bryce Wyatt's parents, Thomas and Martha (or something similar). Soon guests arrived, and I saw versions of Two-face, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman.
But others eluded me. Then the game itself mentioned Der Fledermaus, and I looked up the wiki description to refresh my mind, and saw that it included other characters that were in this game! So it was referencing two bat stories at once (and I saw later, in the credits, another one referenced).
Pacing was shockingly smooth. On several occasions I began thinking that I would run out of things to do, when subtle nudges pushed me in the right direction or major events (like the doorbell ringing) took place. Conversely, at times I'd have so many tasks piling up I thought I'd have to miss some and replay the game to see them. I kept thinking, "Surely this can't hold up, the pacing's going to go all wrong at some point and I'll be stuck twiddling my thumbs or getting too frustrated," but it never happens.
Compass directions have an in-game explanation, which I found fun given that Chandler Groover has expressed his own struggles with the compass in other parser games and his decision to keep it out of most of his own games; so having its presence so carefully justified here makes sense both outside of the game as well as in the game as a kind of tutorial for new players. Perhaps the later parts of the game where (Spoiler - click to show)the compass serves as a tool for control and destruction serves as an unconscious metaphor for the community's over-emphasis and use of the compass and the pressure it puts on authors to do the same.
Overall, this game was well-made and enjoyable. It includes some sensual material and some puerile material with bodily fluids, but both are framed in such a way that they are not really objectionable and leave more to the imagination.
Given that a few characters resemble people from different sources, I wonder about those I couldn't place, like (Spoiler - click to show)the twins. Are they from another source, or new creations?
I think this game will join Eat Me and Toby's Nose among Chandler Groover's best-regarded games, and serve as both a good introduction to new players and a fun treat for the experienced. Great work!
This is a long exploration game involving picking up and using various tools and ammunition in a surreal technomagical future.
Many Pacian games are in such an environment; Gun Mute and Weird City Interloper come to mind. This game, though, seems to be directly set in the same universe as the game he released last year, Killing Machine Loves Slime Prince. Both involve solar royalty (the Third Prince in the previous game and the Second Princess in this one) and many of the other characters and concepts pop up in both games.
In this game specifically, the princess (your girlfriend) has defaulted on a big debt, and the debtors have come to collect. Golden roots have invaded the city and are sucking the life out of all the office workers while Mad Max-style Junkers (I've never seen Mad Max, just going off vibes here) roam the city attacking anyone they see. Your goal is to save and/or chastise the princess while rescuing the citizens.
A variety of survivors can be found throughout the city, each unique, with widely varying personalities and amounts of helpfulness. Conversation is menu-based, and can change depending on your progression.
The gameplay features simple randomized combat using rolls for attack and defence, both of which can be modified by equipping special clothing. Your only weapon is a gun which comes unloaded. You have three inventory slots (including the gun) and this is filled over time with items like lockpicks and money.
I had a bad experience at first. Combat is random, you can't UNDO, and I didn't find any ammo in the first area. There is an enemy at a bridge right away, and to use the bridge you need several actions, so I was just getting hurt with no way to fight back and the monster wouldn't go away. It felt frustrating, like the game had set up a complex system and wasn't letting me interact with any of it. I had to use all my healing items and didn't find any more for a long time, and I was resigned to not really enjoying the game.
Fortunately, past the ammo-less opening (I hope I'm wrong and someone points out that I missed some really helpful early ammo so others don't suffer my same fate), the game is a lot more fun. Combat can either take place through violence or through escape and patience, and I chose the latter the most often. It got really intense in one late area with tons of monsters, but I was satisfied when I was able to (Spoiler - click to show)summon an assassin to kill 3 monsters in one turn.
I was invested in the story, and the exploration was smooth and satisfying. I found no bugs. Like many of C.E.J. Pacian's games, there is a great romance element between the leads that is much rarer in parser games than in choice-based games. He's able to turn combat and parser look/take/drop gameplay and make them into acts of love, which is nice.
Great game, lots of fun!
This game occupied all of my play time today. It's really quite large, which is fitting for a game with 34 contributors. Most entries are puzzleless, so it's not so never-ending as Cragne Manor, but it has a similar variety of experiences.
This game feels like a text version of MeowWolf. MeowWolf is an unusual art exhibit that exists in at least two locations (New Mexico and Texas). I visited one with a group of students and happened to live next to the second one that was built. It's a kind of art museum that has a central theme (a family's two-story home, recreated inside of the museum, has been affected by twistings in space and time, leaving clues behind as to the family's fate) with a variety of unusual and bizarre art rooms connected by creative things like tunnels behind refrigerators or cast iron spiral stairways. Each of the art rooms is just (as I understand it) given to a local artist who decorates it in any way they like, from sculptures of meat robots to videos of beaches to a secret club venue for bands to play in. The whole thing is an elaborate maze.
This game has the same feel. You play as someone stuck in The Maze Gallery, which is a bizarre exhibit. You pass through rooms filled with moving inkblots, eggs painted like clowns, vicious fashion designers, tiny paintings etched on rice, and more.
Some of the 'exhibits' are actually encounters spread throughout the game written by single authors, like a series of diary entries or a loving couple that shows up time and time again.
Parts I especially liked include some of the (Spoiler - click to show)presidents, the four humors, the de(void), the clown alley, the talking paintings, the wing of bad art, and Jo's cafe.
The only time I really encountered friction was in a maze-like part where you need to pick the right path from three options. I didn't distinguish that it had a separate ruleset from the rest of the park and couldn't figure out it's mechanism, so my experience was mostly a voice getting more and more frustrated and annoyed at me until I got kicked out.
The consistent css and art style and placard images managed to keep the tone remarkably consistent. A game like this usually feels very distinct in voice, but this one could almost conceivably have been written by one very creative author. The poetry segments and Zizi!!! are perhaps the most distinct.
I was hesitant at first that this game would be impossibly large, but it's in a fairly compact 4 act structure and not all content is visible on first play. I got lost once, but looking at a directory showed me the path forward.
I felt satisfaction at reaching the ending and enjoyed feeling more oriented in life, in a way; like the game presented a wide variety of viewpoints and feelings and gave me more of a sense of where I am mentally in relation to a sea of others. That was even a theme of one of the rooms, where (Spoiler - click to show)a mirror shatters representing you and you can only grab for some of the pieces, holding onto what is most essential and hoping that you grabbed what was important.
There were several other wonderful parts of the maze that I wasn't able to fit into this review (like the Hungry room and the ladder and so on) so thanks to everyone that participated!
This was a hefty TADS game that I took several hours to play. It employs a variety of perspectives and player characters, and uses literary quotes, mostly from Poe.
The game primarily takes place in two time periods. One is set in the present (or around the present), in which an author has been discharged from the hospital after a explosion in a skyscraper leaves him wounded. The other is set in 1800s Baltimore where Edgar Allen Poe lies raving in a hospital sickbed.
The modern parts, while they include puzzles, are more story oriented, light on puzzles, and philosophical, while the older parts are an atmosphere-heavy mystery with puzzles and codes.
The city of Baltimore is fairly large, although the author has kept the total number of rooms to a small amount and gatekeeps them a few at a time to keep from getting overwhelmed.
The story that plays out is one that many can relate to, commenting on writing and authorship itself in a way that I found delightful. The exact specifics of who is who and what we were meant to believe and what is true can be difficult to suss out at times, but I'm thinking about replaying in the future to nail down those parts.
I became very stuck at one point due to the nature of some of the puzzles in Baltimore that are based on elapsed time. Something had changed without my being aware of it, and I went through every hint in the help section and couldn't figure it out, and even dumped the strings in the game and that didn't help, until I wandered around a bit more. So I'd say that frequent exploration, careful examination, and gathering everything not nailed down (and maybe some that is) are definitely helpful here.
Overall, the game has a literary or cinematic feel, much like Photopia. The game itself focuses on two ideals for writers: (Spoiler - click to show)popularity with the masses vs critical acclaim. I wonder which of the two ideals the author believes this game to be aiming towards, and which the audience response will be closest to (of course neither or both are a possibility). I love the idea, the writing rolled easily over my mind. I did have to take frequent breaks as there is quite a bit of information and it could be a lot to digest at times, what with both in-game puzzles, the big area, the multiple narrative layers and the mysteries left to the reader to puzzle out even after the game is over.
The author's most recent game before this, According to Cain, won the XYZZY Award and placed highly in IFComp. I found this game fairly similar in length, quality and difficulty to that one, but with more of an emphasis on the passage of time and interactive NPCs and with more unity in the story while According to Cain had more unity in the puzzles.
What a fun little game!
This is a single-stroke parser game, a genre which I've seen a few of in the last year or two and not many more before then. So a single keypress becomes an entire command. It was disconcerting at times (especially trying to repeat past commands by hitting the up arrow, which maps to NORTH) but I eventually got the hold of it.
The idea is that you're kidnapped by aliens who submit you to nonsensical tests, until disaster strikes. Now they rely on you for help!
Gameplay is limited to only two action: eXamine and Touch. A few other commands like LOOK and WAIT also work. This may not seem like a lot to work with, but it's like the Library of Babel. That library is a conceptual idea where every possible 410-page book is in a library, containing essentially any novel that is ever written. Someone once pointed out that it's not as weird as you might think, as you could make your own 'library of babel' with two books that only have one page each (one with a 0 in it and one with a 1 in it); by reading them in the right order, you could reproduce any possible text.
So it's the same idea here. The simple two commands are made more complex by having cycling environmental elements, like buttons that do different things every time you touch them, or timers you can set off, or additional attributes you can acquire and then remove (which behave like extra verbs). So the limited command set is just a blind.
This is really hard to come up with puzzles for; I wrote a giant game last year with different areas, and one I specifically wanted to mimic Arthur DiBianca's style. It was by far the hardest to code, the most buggy, and the hardest to figure out, trying to wrassle tons of moving scenes and machine parts.
The puzzles in this game are similar to math research, where you just try to find patterns or loopholes and bang your head against a wall until you solve it. I got stuck in the middle, and was typing up a question to ask for help, but as I typed I figured it out. The final puzzle stymied me too; I had the right idea, but my timing was off.
The story is sparse but has funny parts. Everything familiar has a goofy name and everything goofy has a familiar name. Objects are clearly chosen so that they start with distinct letters of the alphabet (like 'yo-yo'). Overall the aliens reminded me of those in the movie Home.
I had fun with this. Several of the puzzles were very frustrating before I solved them and fun after.