Polls with votes for Hadean Lands

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Games featuring alchemy - 6 votes for 6 games; created July 16, 2024
A poll by Hellzon
Games featuring alchemy, a subset of games with cool magic systems. There are at least some with puzzles based on mixing alchemical...

Games where deliberately losing/dying/losing an item advances the plot - 19 votes for 15 games; created July 30, 2023
A poll by Andrew Schultz
The meaning of "deliberately" can be a bit broad, but I'm wondering about cases where an action clearly marked risky or fatal helps you...

Games with "recipe puzzles" - 14 votes for 11 games; created March 19, 2023
A poll by Denk
Any game where "recipe puzzles" are a big part of the game, whether it is alchemy, potion brewing, cooking etc. I came to think of this...

Massive puzzlers that are not cruel - 12 votes for 6 games; created May 29, 2022
A poll by deathbytroggles
I am looking for massive puzzle games (think Curses, Mulldoon Legacy) where the game can never be put in an unwinnable situation that...

Games featuring a central evolving puzzle mechanism - 29 votes for 13 games; created December 16, 2020
A poll by Lance Campbell
Looking for any games that feature a core puzzle mechanism that the player masters and expands upon throughout the game. The puzzle...

The great puzzlefests - 124 votes for 50 games; created August 9, 2018
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
Playing Curses!, I started wondering which games belong to the canon of great puzzlefests. With this term I mean puzzle based games that...

Canonicity and IF - 243 votes for 57 games; created July 27, 2017
A poll by juliaofbath
I'm interested in determining whether or not a clear canon has emerged within the world of IF/hypertext. Of course, there is a clear...

Getting back into IF, best re-introductions to the genre - 34 votes for 17 games; created May 29, 2016
A poll by Sorrel
I haven't played any IF for roughly the past 6 years and am excited to get back into it. So, what have I missed? What have been some of...

Games centered around a "groundhog day" loop - 59 votes for 32 games; created July 29, 2015
A poll by Merk
Two that come to mind, which I haven't played in years and may be remembering wrong, are Moebius and All Things Devours. Games with fail...

For Your Consideration: Games from 2014 that should be nominated for the XYZZY Awards - 56 votes for 43 games; created March 15, 2015
A poll by Molly
There were a lot of great games released in the past year, and now that the XYZZYs are coming up, it seems like a very good idea to take...

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