Polls with votes for The Weapon

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Games involving deception - 12 votes for 8 games; created July 21, 2024
A poll by Fie
Deceiving a talking obstacle? Tricking a child? Fooling you? Besting me? Interactivity means that intentional decisions are made, and...

Games with faceplants/heel turns at the very end - 5 votes for 5 games; created July 30, 2023
A poll by Andrew Schultz
I'm looking for--well, anything that does this. Not "you are missing 4 of 5 pieces of the magic sword," but more, it could either be...

Games Centered Around Devices/Machines - 31 votes for 17 games; created August 1, 2022
A poll by Amanda Walker
I'm looking for games that heavily feature learning how to use a device or machine. For instance, the machine in Emily Short's...

Great games that consist of a single puzzle - 34 votes for 19 games; created June 15, 2018
A poll by Spike
I'm looking for well-designed and challenging games that revolve around solving a single puzzle. The puzzle may have multiple parts, but...

Best sci-fi games - 68 votes for 36 games; created July 8, 2013
A poll by Ant-Fan
I'm looking for games from the sci-fi genre. I would prefer classic-style games, even if they're not classics (such as 'Across The...

IF that purposely conceals crucial player character information - 65 votes for 21 games; created October 28, 2012
A poll by Puddin Tame
IF that doesn't explicitly clue players in on knowledge they would/should have if they actually were the player character (The...

Solved without Hints - 212 votes for 114 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

One Room Non-Escape Games - 67 votes for 31 games; created April 7, 2010
A poll by tggdan3
I'm looking for a one room game, where the purpose is NOT to escape that one room. (Eliminating games such as Enlightenment, Suveh Nux,...

Games where the PC is an antihero - 50 votes for 21 games; created December 23, 2009
A poll by Sorrel
I'm looking for games where the PC is the villain/antihero of the story and the traditional plotlines of "good beats evil" aren't...

Games with an abrupt and unexpected ending twist - 75 votes for 27 games; created December 13, 2009
A poll by dutchmule
I'm looking for games which, as in a lot of short stories, feature a sudden and unexpected revelation/twist at the very end of the game,...

One room games - 35 votes for 20 games; created July 22, 2009
A poll by cpuguy
I would like to know what one room games are available. I enjoyed the acorn court, and am looking for more similar games.

Once More, With Feelies - 37 votes for 23 games; created May 22, 2009
A poll by Ghalev
I'm polling to learn of modern (post-commercial-era) IF that revels in the tradition of providing additional documentation & related...

Fun single-room games - 62 votes for 21 games; created October 29, 2008
A poll by Jeff Sonas
My kids (9 and 12) like to play IF games on my phone during car drives so they are looking for something quick and fun that doesn't...

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