Polls with votes for Byzantine Perspective

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Some of the best and most confusing mechanics you've ever played - 12 votes for 10 games; created August 27, 2024
A poll by Max Fog
I'm looking for games with super weird or confusing mechanics, but actually are really good games. For example, I found the clock...

Microparsers - 84 votes for 60 games; created December 13, 2023
A poll by Tabitha
The discussion in this thread, from which I've borrowed the term "microparser" (thanks Pinkunz!), led me to want to collect small parser...

Games that take place completely in museums - 16 votes for 11 games; created October 18, 2023
A poll by Andrew Schultz
IFComp 2023 had a couple, and they reminded me of another I tested in Shufflecomp. I like having the ability to leave when I want and see...

Games where the player must draw their own map - 26 votes for 14 games; created March 29, 2021
A poll by Paxton
Ideally these are games whose puzzles/challenges involve the map in some way (hidden connections, layout analysis, &c.) and aren't just...

Great games that consist of a single puzzle - 34 votes for 19 games; created June 15, 2018
A poll by Spike
I'm looking for well-designed and challenging games that revolve around solving a single puzzle. The puzzle may have multiple parts, but...

Games with maps... - 67 votes for 48 games; created February 28, 2013
A poll by Xionix
I started playing Counterfeit Monkey, and I notice a good map is a way for us newbies to get into the game more easy. And I hate to draw...

Games with "logical" puzzles - 58 votes for 27 games; created October 6, 2009
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
Some puzzles--like chess problems or sudokus--can be difficult even though you know all the rules. I'm looking for IF games with this...

Most unique games - 42 votes for 25 games; created August 4, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Whatever else might be said about ___________, there's not another game like it.

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' - 49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?

Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) - 224 votes for 68 games; created July 12, 2009
A poll by Sasha Davidovna
I'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...

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