
by Adam Cadre profile

Slice of life

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- H1N1777, September 11, 2016

- lskains, September 7, 2016

- mstahl, August 18, 2016

- Martyav (NYC), July 28, 2016

- Kevin Snow, July 26, 2016

- nosferatu, July 22, 2016

- T.M. Biernatinho, July 14, 2016

- insufficient data, July 10, 2016

- NinaS, July 3, 2016

- ellact2000, June 29, 2016

- Naga, June 21, 2016

- LayzaSkully (Italy), June 21, 2016

- Matt Bates, June 13, 2016

- sir_geoffrey, May 27, 2016

- sipral, May 11, 2016

- Denk, May 10, 2016

1 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Fun, May 9, 2016

9:05 is the time you wake up, and about how long this IF takes. Being short isnt a bad thing. As others have said, it really calls for a replay. Its 10 minutes, what have you got to lose

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- zylla, May 1, 2016

- Rollersnake (Rogers, AR), May 1, 2016

- missjith, April 24, 2016

- nichdel, April 12, 2016

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Slice of Life... With a Twist!, April 4, 2016
by PDearmore (Central New York)
Related reviews: z-machine, infom, slice-of-life, puzzleless, crime

9:05 is essentially a puzzle-less game in which you can play through a few different ways to experience a slice of life from a few different angles. I'm not usually one to play a game through after reaching the end, but this piece is short, and replaying it seems like almost the entire point (you'll only see what I mean once you have tried it). With that being said, there's not really a satisfying ending. I kept looking for ways to "win" but there were only other paths you could take--the most interesting one being the path that you probably took in the first place.

9:05 is the first piece of IF from Adam Cadre that I can remember playing. Not that I've been purposefully avoiding his stuff--it just happens that I haven't gotten to it yet. I will definitely check out his other stuff--I see quite a few games out there.

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- Molly (USA), April 4, 2016

- Viko (Canada), March 28, 2016

- Teaspoon, March 26, 2016

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