
Member since May 17, 2016
Last visited September 24, 2021
Profile ID (TUID): b99qnwmmd20rddth

I'm a writer and researcher, specializing in speculative fiction and digital fiction. I am the lead organizer of the Reading Digital Fiction project's Opening Up Digital Fiction Writing Competition.

In my research, I am exploring ways to make digital fiction more accessible and commercial. Toward that end, I have launched a fledgling publishing company, Wonderbox Publishing (

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Interactive Fiction by lskains

The Futographer, by Lyle Skains (2016)
(2 ratings)
Images of you: with a stranger. Images of you: dead and broken. Images of you: in the future. Are they a trick? Are they prophecy? What will you do? ...

The Pyxis Memo: On Resurrecting the Free Web, by Lyle Skains (2017)
(1 rating)
The Fracture of 2018 ended the United States as we know it. The fear, the violence, the bombs...where did it all orginate? And can the box of destruction be closed once it's been laid open? The...

Awake the Mighty Dread, by Lyle Skains (2011)
(10 ratings)
You wake up on a train in a strange world, knowing only that if you sleep, the nightmares return. But someone else is also lost, and you must find him, or else the nightmares will capture you...

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lskains's Played Games List

9:05, by Adam Cadre
Bronze, by Emily Short
Queers in Love at the End of the World, by Anna Anthropy
howling dogs, by Porpentine
CRY$TAL WARRIOR KE$HA, by Porpentine

See all 7 entries in the Played List