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Turn Right

by Dee Cooke profile


(based on 1 rating)
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About the Story

Long day done, groceries bought and you're so nearly home!

Unfortunately it's rush hour, and getting out of this supermarket car park is a difficult job at the best of times.

Will you ever get out of this place? It can't take forever, can it?

All you need to do is turn right...



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Game Details

Language: English (en-GB)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: 0.1.0
Development System: Adventuron
IFID: 3058FE7D-FD45-4AE2-B3E8-97246246FA18
TUID: lhixs8uesslvr5ja

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Microparsers by Tabitha
The discussion in this thread, from which I've borrowed the term "microparser" (thanks Pinkunz!), led me to want to collect small parser games. I'm thinking of ones that fit what's described in the thread--generally taking less than 30...

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