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Zombie Eye: Campfire Tales

by Dee Cooke profile

Episode 2 of Zombie Eye

(based on 5 ratings)
2 reviews10 members have played this game.

About the Story

Just your average Hallowe'en night telling tales around the campfire...


7th Place, La Petite Mort - English - ECTOCOMP 2023

41st Place, Best in Show - The IF Short Games Showcase 2023

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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1 star:
Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Spoopy tales around a camfire goign haywire..., November 10, 2023
Related reviews: ectocomp

A cute and short parser, with the Dee Cooke (tm) graphics and vibes, a sequel to last year's entry, with simple and limited commands. Listen to some spoopy tales around the campfire with your friends, but watch out, some are more dangerous than it seems...

Though it might not be obvious, there is a way to get to a winning state. I had tried a bunch of actions but only reached a bad ending, which was frustrating (it felt like there was no way to "win"). But there is one combination of conditions that will work. Talking to your friends before the story starts is the way...

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Compact, spooky Adventuron puzzler, November 23, 2023
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a neat little Adventuron game that is highly constrained but manages to fit a real puzzle in.

You are at a campfire with three friends, and you are about to tell spooky tales. One camper tells the tale, and everyone else participates, including you.

The other campers and a book serve to add complexity to the game, each giving you more options to edit the final tale. Only one tale gives a good ending...

This was highly polished (bug-free as far as I can see) and, thought slight, was enjoyable, especially seeing the effects of your actions on the story.

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The discussion in this thread, from which I've borrowed the term "microparser" (thanks Pinkunz!), led me to want to collect small parser games. I'm thinking of ones that fit what's described in the thread--generally taking less than 30...

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