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Average Rating: based on 62 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 5
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- Siggel (Germany), October 13, 2024

- o0pyromancer0o, August 27, 2023

- Edo, December 31, 2020 (last edited on August 17, 2023)

- Hugginnn, April 20, 2023

- vivian rabbit, October 19, 2022 (last edited on October 20, 2022)

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Disappointing, October 10, 2022

It started out promisingly enough, but I got stuck at (Spoiler - click to show) the restaurant with Teena looking at her quarters. Literally nothing under the sun would get her to stop or get me out of that booth. I finally entered restart after 10 minutes of typing command after command that got me nowhere, but I was too exasperated to pick it back up again.

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- Kinetic Mouse Car, August 12, 2022

- autumnc, September 11, 2020

- William Chet (Michigan), July 19, 2020

- CMG (NYC), August 10, 2018

- Catalina, October 26, 2017 (last edited on October 27, 2017)

- Ivanr, August 12, 2016 (last edited on July 12, 2017)

- E. W. B., March 2, 2016

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Clever and inventive, easy game with avoidable strongly adult content, December 29, 2015*

This review has some early spoilers and spoils one big concept; however, it let's you know how to avoid any explicit content
(Spoiler - click to show)

Narcolepsy has a great concept; the main character has narcolepsy, and every time they fall asleep, they enter a different, randomly chosen dream, each written by a different IF author.

Even better, this is actually three different games, and which game you play is governed by your first few actions.

Unfortunately, some branches have pretty explicit and unpleasant content.

One branch involves a klutz spy agency. This branch was my least favorite, requiring a lot of wandering around. Also, it has a running joke where you got port spam emails which are just as explicit and gross as real life ones blocked by filters. I stopped playing twice because I was disgusted; but I'm glad I tried the other branches.

Branch 2 involves your sister a lot. I loved this branch, and it was one of the funnest games I've played in a while. Also, it had very little adult content.

The third involves holes, and this one was pretty funny, with some old school game references. Part of it takes place in a strip club, though, but it's not very explicit.

I can strongly recommend the middle branch, obtained by answering the phone first.

* This review was last edited on February 3, 2016
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- Aryore, December 13, 2015

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Fantastic game, great atmosphere!, January 6, 2015
by Chai Hai (Kansas City KS)

I loved this. The character was great and full of personality. Also smart. This whole game was smart, in its own delightful way.

I loved the fact that it kept the "mindless examining" part of the game to a minimum. It is an ingrained instinct in me to examine EVERYTHING, even if I know it's useless. Lest I leave a valuable tool or plot progressor behind. This game kept that aspect low. It's especially seen in the house. And even when you did examine, it always kept things light and humorous. I appreciate that.

I liked the obvious different realities, one part for dreams, the other for real life. The dreams themselves were always fun, ranging from humorous to thought provoking, and I always enjoyed them. They were delightful random mini games, and I was excited to see where this one would lead.

The way conversations were handled was cool. Sometimes games struggle with conversation, making it so you have to say a certain phrase or word just so. This was easy, read the phrases and pick a number! No having to remember to type 'ask person about topic' when it seems more intuitive to say 'ask about topic'. Conversing didn't feel clunky like it sometimes does.

Also I like games that state exits. A game is about achieving the quest, not about remembering whether you came from the north or not. That made it easy to go from place to place.

Overall great game! Very fun and enjoyable, I loved the personality of the game. Bravo!

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- Sobol (Russia), September 12, 2014 (last edited on January 5, 2015)

- Floating Info, December 30, 2014 (last edited on December 31, 2014)

- Witchy W, October 25, 2014

- DJ (Olalla, Washington), May 9, 2013

- Brianna, December 4, 2012 (last edited on December 5, 2012)

- AADA7A, September 23, 2012

- kala (Finland), May 26, 2012

- E.K., April 9, 2012 (last edited on April 10, 2012)

- Relle VeyƩr, March 1, 2012

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