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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Clever and inventive, easy game with avoidable strongly adult content, December 29, 2015*

This review has some early spoilers and spoils one big concept; however, it let's you know how to avoid any explicit content
(Spoiler - click to show)

Narcolepsy has a great concept; the main character has narcolepsy, and every time they fall asleep, they enter a different, randomly chosen dream, each written by a different IF author.

Even better, this is actually three different games, and which game you play is governed by your first few actions.

Unfortunately, some branches have pretty explicit and unpleasant content.

One branch involves a klutz spy agency. This branch was my least favorite, requiring a lot of wandering around. Also, it has a running joke where you got port spam emails which are just as explicit and gross as real life ones blocked by filters. I stopped playing twice because I was disgusted; but I'm glad I tried the other branches.

Branch 2 involves your sister a lot. I loved this branch, and it was one of the funnest games I've played in a while. Also, it had very little adult content.

The third involves holes, and this one was pretty funny, with some old school game references. Part of it takes place in a strip club, though, but it's not very explicit.

I can strongly recommend the middle branch, obtained by answering the phone first.

* This review was last edited on February 3, 2016
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