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how do i love you?

by Sophia de Augustine profile


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(based on 7 ratings)
2 reviews

About the Story

A fictionalized account of how things might've happened between lovers sick to the teeth of one another.
Made for the Anti-Romance Jam, 2023.

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31st Place, Best in Show - The IF Short Games Showcase 2023


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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
The Darkest and Sweetest Emotional Whiplash, August 2, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: antiromancejam

There is probably nothing more anti-romance than a couple on a verge of a break-up; when the spark is not just gone but harming both parties (in this case, one more than the other). A fight is how the story starts, full of resentment and misplaced hurt. Setting expectations that behind the bright UI of the entry, darkness looms ahead.

And yet, this is not the path the story takes. It does not wallow (for long) in the misery of hurt feelings, despair over failures, or doubles down in the hurt in the hopes to salvage the doomed relationship. Instead, it takes the path of healing and love - for oneself and others but with a healthier view and supportive friends.
Love is an action you choose to do, how you show people you care about them.

As a final point, the formatting of the story inside chat rooms was so fitting. Each user had their own distinct voice, that barely needed the username to know who was writing which message. The addition of typos during emotional moments, especially for Sylvia, were a great touch!

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A little too close to home, not really though, April 1, 2024

Okay. I have to disagree with my own title for this review. It's not even close to home for me. I've never dated anyone. I can't say I've had that kind of argument. So no it isn't close to home.

But I know it is the kind of thing that will probably happen to me one day. I won't go into too much detail because that's personal and also insensitive, as I'm aware I can be without knowing. I am very close to removing this part of the review anyway.

This game loaded the UI in a way that felt familiar and also very clever. Easy to understand, and not hard to read or anything.

Now onto the subject matter. The game is based in the idea of a breakup. But a hard one. There are no choices but it felt right for the style of game. Although I'm very certain much of this was very very closely based off of real chats, I have to say it's very realistic and it's really clever. The breakup was emotional to me, and nothing was ever loose or difficult to use or boring. Everything perfect - which, sure, isn't how real life works, but in this gane there is no waiting that you want to be doing.

Though it was certainly understandable matter and some sharp words were brought from the offending side, nobody was not understood. Each person in the whole forum had a personality. Each person had their own way of expressing things and reacted differently to events. Nobody felt like they had no reason for anything that they said (although some people had much less justification than others, it seems). I know this all sounds redundant since most of it is probably an edited version of what really happened, I can't stress enough how much I felt with this one.

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