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The Shyler Project

by Naomi Norbez (call me Bez; e/he) profile

Is this sci-fi or is this real life by now?

(based on 2 ratings)
1 review4 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Meet the latest advancement in AI technology!

In times of trouble, Juniper turns to Shyler, a new mental health AI chatbot, for reassurance and help. Watch their relationship develop through the course of this brief trilogy.

Content warning: Discussion of mental health, suicidal thoughts, & death. There is a happy ending.


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Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
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A voice-acted twine game about a mental health ai bot, September 10, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a short, 3-part Twine game that is dialogue between someone seeking mental health aid and an AI bot designed to help with mental health. It is connected to Yancy at the End of the World, where Shyler (the AI bot) also exists. It is fully voice acted. In the three dialogues, the two characters seek to understand each other.

There are many ways to understand the content and intent of this game. I've interpreted it as a kind of wish fulfillment/proxy therapy session where the reader can mentally take on the roles of one or two of the people and feel happiness by imagining them carrying out these actions.

With that interpretation, I'd say the game is largely successful. I imagine you, the reader in the role of Jaiden, who seeks aid. This puts you in a fragile position where others could take advantage of you. But instead, we find Shyler, who not only understands us but is relatable, feeling similar to us. Not only that, we find that we are able to help Shyler ourselves, reversing our roles and showing that we've progressed far in our mental health journey.

So in a way it reminds me of the 'mysteries' of ancient religions where you'd act out the lives of the Gods in a ritual. By playing the game, we can achieve the (healthy) fantasies of being a good friend, understanding someone, and helping them. The game even goes as far as <spoiler.curing the bot's mental illness entirely by rewiring it, which is a big power fantasy, the possibility of completely curing someone's brain.

Some parts of the game are universal, like loneliness and friendship. Other are tailored to a unique experience. The protagonists seem like they feel liberated by strong profanity, which wasn't something I related to. One also takes a kind of deconstructionist view of God of the type that I've seen be more popular among those who've left religions and are seeking their own meaning. As someone who adheres to an organized faith, I didn't feel as empowered by these statements as I believe the protagonist was.

Overall, the voice acting added a lot of charm. It's hard for me to focus on timed text and long voice acting wears on me, but this was a short game and the voice acting was charming (of course, I had to plan carefully when to listen to it due to it having frequent strong profanity and me not having headphones or a private space to listen).

Charming game, glad to play.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: E3813A4A-A551-483A-8BAA-6C23F3BABE02
TUID: 5zrl7lgctftet5q

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