External Links

zorkvms.zip *
This game requires an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
Requires a Hugo interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Zork​_Trilogy.zip *
maps in GUEmap format
zork1.zip *
THL hint file
Sols3.zip *
Sols2.zip *
Sols1.zip *
jgunness.zip *
transcribed Invisiclues hint book
GUE History from the original Zork I docs
sample transcript from original documentation
Zork I (Windows) *
MS-DOS Installer
Zork I (Mac)
Defaults - All Systems Application (Compressed with StuffIt. Free StuffIt Expanders are available for most systems at www.stuffit.com.)
Zork 1
z machine file
Requires a Z-Code interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Zork en Español
Requires a Z-Code interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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Zork I

by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling

Episode 1 of Zork
Zorkian, Cave crawl

About the Story

Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these treasures and deposit them in your trophy case.
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Page Update History

v.35: 30-Jul-2016 14:21 - Garry Francis (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.34: 07-May-2022 23:55 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.33: 09-Dec-2021 07:34 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.32: 02-Aug-2021 18:51 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.31: 02-Aug-2021 18:29 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.30: 11-Apr-2021 12:48 - Zape
Changed download links
v.29: 23-Aug-2020 00:30 - Zape
Changed download links
v.28: 26-Nov-2019 16:32 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.27: 11-Sep-2018 15:52 - CiberSheep
Changed IFIDs
v.26: 28-Mar-2017 20:02 - Doug Orleans
Changed language
v.25: 28-Mar-2017 18:45 - Doug Orleans
Changed external review links
v.24: 03-Jan-2017 19:43 - IFforL2
Changed download links
  v.23: 30-Jul-2016 14:21 - vaporware
Changed development system
v.22: 15-Feb-2016 06:07 - IFforL2
Changed language
v.21: 11-Feb-2016 10:23 - IFforL2
Changed download links, external review links
v.20: 22-Dec-2015 13:43 - Digger
Changed IFIDs
v.19: 27-Nov-2015 10:31 - pwiecz
Changed IFIDs
v.18: 27-Dec-2014 06:16 - <blank>
Changed download links
v.17: 23-Sep-2013 04:13 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.16: 07-Apr-2013 14:44 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.15: 07-Apr-2013 12:26 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links, cross-references
v.14: 31-May-2009 11:41 - jmkoehn
Changed download links
v.13: 31-May-2009 11:40 - jmkoehn
Changed download links
v.12: 27-Jan-2009 21:04 - Befuddled
Changed download links
v.11: 27-Jan-2009 21:02 - Befuddled
Changed download links
v.10: 27-Jan-2009 20:46 - Befuddled
Changed download links
v.9: 27-Jan-2009 20:44 - Befuddled
Changed download links
v.8: 27-Jan-2009 20:31 - Befuddled
Changed download links
v.7: 25-Oct-2008 08:14 - Markus Peter
Changed IFIDs
v.6: 04-Oct-2008 14:37 -
Changed forgiveness
v.5: 29-Sep-2008 04:55 -
Changed download links
v.4: 12-Mar-2008 00:12 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.3: 19-Feb-2008 19:36 - Emily Short
Changed series name, episode number
v.2: 19-Feb-2008 19:24 - Emily Short
Changed cover art
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:49 - IFDB
Created page

4 Off-Site Reviews

Adventure Classic Gaming

I have replayed this game several times over in order to write this article, and I have found the gameplay to be as absorbing as it is the first time I have played many years ago. While on the whole it is very much a game of "find object and use object in the right place", it does not necessarily mean that it is a doodle. It is not at all! There are some quite tricky puzzles to be solved, and I have been stuck a few times even though that I am playing the game the second time around. Although the treasures in the game are easy to find, getting them back safely to the trophy case can be an entirely different matter. Certain puzzles must be be solved in order, but there is no clue as to what that order is�it is up to you to work it out. In some cases, timing is also important. The text descriptions can either be in "verbose" or "brief" mode. Even in the brief mode, there is still enough to keep pulling you further into the game. For me, the game defines the whole addictive syndrome of "must solve just one more piece of the puzzle" which other imitators never manage to capture.
-- Karen Tyers
See the full review

Gaming Enthusiast
Time for an absolute classic and the beginning of a highly popular series of games � Zork I [...] even after 30 years is still enjoyable to play.
-- Toddziak
See the full review

Mr. Bill's Adventureland
Zork creates a wondrous, magical realm that is a veritable feast for the imagination. You find that you have stumbled upon the ancient ruins of a vast empire lying far underground. Yes, you will find many more treasures for your trophy case. But to do so you will have to search far and wide, solve diabolical puzzles, and defend your treasures (and yourself!) from a few very nasty characters... and one monster, a vicious GRUE that lurks in the dark!
-- Mr. Bill & Lela
See the full review

Zork I does work, in the end, though it's hard to pinpoint just why. Collect-the-treasures as a plot is a weary old device, and it doesn't only seem that way to IF players -- it had, after all, been the subject of innumerable fantasy novels and games before IF hit the scene. But its recurring presence points to some appeal that Zork I managed to tap into -- the allure of getting rich, and of obtaining things as diverse as the coffin of Ramses II, a songbird's bauble, and a dead adventurer's bag of coins, keeps the intrigue of finding the next treasure alive, somehow. Vital to the enterprise is, of course, the humor, even if the barrage of self-reference becomes wearying; responses like "Only Santa Claus climbs down chimneys" make the game feel more intelligent than a "You can't do that" response would have, and moments like the description of the vampire bat and the behavior of the thief break up the traipsing-from-room-to-room feel that sometimes plagued Colossal Cave.
-- Duncan Stevens
See the full review

Game Details