+ = x, by Chandler Groover Fie's rating: Average member rating: An equation is a language, which is a road to move information. All matter is information. Even a crust trimmed from a sandwich. Even a planet's crust, adrift in space, with its core blown. Those lights are... |
♥Magical Makeover♥, by S. Woodson Fie's rating: Average member rating: "You hold in your hand a pink, heart-shaped card daubed in rosewater and oil of jasmine — an invitation to the Princess Philantha's Grand Equinox Ball. In gilded, sweeping, sweet-smelling calligraphy, the... |
9:05, by Adam Cadre Fie's rating: Average member rating: The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings. |
The Act of Misdirection, by Callico Harrison Fie's rating: Average member rating: The curtain lifts to a torrent of applause, as the city's gents and ladies lose their decorum for a just few moments in anticipation of something magical. The spotlights drown the glitter of sequins and... |
Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Øyvind Thorsby Average member rating: |
Aisle, by Sam Barlow Average member rating: "Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a... |
All Roads, by Jon Ingold Fie's rating: Average member rating: "Wave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread For he on honey-dew hath fed And drunk the milk of paradise." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One] |
And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One, by B.J. Best Fie's rating: Average member rating: Title: Infinite Adventure Year: 1986 Genre: Adventure Summary: Wander through an apparently infinite number of spooky mansions, solving a basic puzzle in each one. ForgottenGames.com rating: ★ ★ ★ |
Animalia, by Ian Michael Waddell Fie's rating: Average member rating: This is the story of Charlie Stewart, nine-year-old Human child. Inside this ordinary nine-year-old Human child are four animals from the Forest, working tirelessly to keep YOUR Taiga Federation safe from... |
Arcane Intern (Unpaid), by Astrid Dalmady Average member rating: Getting coffee, making copies, tampering with powers beyond your control. You know, normal intern things. Now if only you were getting paid for it... |
Baggage, by Katherine Farmar Average member rating: An exploration of stuckness, change, and the things we can’t let go. |
The Baker of Shireton, by Hanon Ondricek Fie's rating: Average member rating: You are the Baker of Shireton. The bread you bake is delicious. Raiders are coming. |
Bee, by Emily Short Fie's rating: Average member rating: The story of a home-schooled girl preparing to compete in the national spelling bee, dealing with various small crises with family and friends, and gradually coming to terms with the clash of subcultures... |
The Best Man, by Stephen Bond Average member rating: |
Birdland, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy Fie's rating: Average member rating: Fourteen-year-old Bridget's summer camp experience takes a turn for the bizarre when her otherworldly bird dreams start bleeding into reality. |
The Blind House, by Amanda Allen Fie's rating: Average member rating: I scarcely know the woman at my side. I don't even know why she was the one I turned to. I can only hope that we haven't been followed, that she won't ask too many questions. The only choice left to me now... |
The Bloody Wallpaper, by Chandler Groover and Failbetter Games Fie's rating: Average member rating: “Can’t you feel it in the air? Festivity!” the Manager exclaims. “We’ve been counting the days. And the nights. And the hours that slip where nobody can see. Another season ripens.” The... |
Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed Average member rating: You have always been different. One in a trillion have your gift, your curse: to move between worlds, never settling, always alone. To Wayfare. Yet there are others like you, and something stronger than... |
Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati Fie's rating: Average member rating: A blurb? They expect you to write? You're Lottie Plum so you're not going into writing. You sing. And dance and act up a storm while everyone else can only manage a puddle. You belong at Bridger. No matter... |
Bronze, by Emily Short Fie's rating: Average member rating: When the seventh day comes and it is time for you to return to the castle in the forest, your sisters cling to your sleeves. |
Bubblegum Slaughter, by Merritt Kopas Average member rating: A text-based magical girl RPG with turn-based combat and the ache of broken innocence. |