Denk's Played Games

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Jesse Stavro's Compass, by Arlan Wetherminster
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

This abandoned desert motel had a name once. But the travelers who pass through here now call it Buridan's Bridge. It is a cluster of Doors; portals to anywhere so long as you have the right Key. You've been...

Jhothamia 6, by David Edgar
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

At last the holidays arrived and it was time to get away. You had heard of a spaceline which takes you on a tour around the solar system and decided that this was for you. Upon nearing the planet Jhothamia 6...

Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly...

Jon Doe – Wildcard Nucleus, by Olaf Nowacki
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

Be Jon Doe, secret agent at MI5, and solve the mystery about the death of scientist Monsieur Edulard and his latest world-changing invention. A story with thrilling women, sinister villains and cutting-edge...

Journey Across the Muerte Sea, by John MacArthur
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

"You set out to the Muerte Sea, where there are three islands, according to legend. Nobody has successfully crossed this sea." This adventure is part of the Eamon universe. Like all Eamon adventures, it is...
A Journey to Omega Station, by DWaM
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
The year is 2044. A secret branch of the government known only as 'The Agency' has discovered rifts -- codenamed 'Breaches' -- to an alternate dimension. The ones tasked with exploring said unknown areas are...
Jump, by Chris Mudd
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
"The first slivers of light rise from the horizon. Colours, hues gather... A gull rides a thermal to the clouds above. All that has happened seems inconsequential." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]

Junior Arithmancer, by Mike Spivey
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (57 ratings)

A one-to-many-room puzzler.

Just a normal Human, by glucosify
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

ust remember to blink and keep your eyes inside yourself - as normal humans do. No aliens pretending to be human here, honest. Trigger warning for bright flashing lights. Wrote this for the 2023 Neo-Twiny...

Just another Fairy Tale, by Finn Rosenløv
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

Little did you know that when you went to bed that night, and your mom had kissed you good night and left you room, that you would embark on an adventure beyond your wildest dreams. An unexpected visit of a...

Kaged, by Ian Finley
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (54 ratings)

""But my madness speaks: It will but skin and film the ulcerous place, Whilst rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen." Welcome to the Citadel of Justice. The Inquisitor is waiting." [--blurb from...

Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan, by Garry Francis
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

The weather is getting hotter and bushfire season is approaching. The animals have to stock up on food and prepare their bushfire survival plans. Every year, the animals appoint a bushfire warden. The...

Kerkerkruip, by Victor Gijsbers
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (70 ratings)

Kerkerkruip is a short-form roguelike in the interactive fiction medium, featuring meaningful tactical and strategic depth, innovative game play, zero grinding, and a sword & sorcery setting that does not...

The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe year. I have...

The King's Ball, by Garry Francis
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Every year, the king holds an extravagant ball where he invites all the local dignitaries and they lavish him with gifts. The king sells some of these gifts after the ball and uses the money to fund the ball...

Knight Orc, by Pete Austin
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Knight Orc casts you as an oppressed orc in a magical world where all is not as it first seems. For generations humans have been persecuting orcs, and now it's time to get your own back. A fantasy adventure...

Known Unknowns, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

Nadia Nazari has a lot of unknowns to contend with in her Grade 12 year. Like how can she run an entire school newspaper with only one employee? Why has her estranged ex best friend suddenly come back into...

Kobold in Search for Family, by tosxychor
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A little text adventure where you play as a kobold that has been stranded from its family while in a human city. It's up to you to find your way back to the kobold hideout!

Kondiac, by Picarly
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Find out why what happens in the small Alaskan town of Kondiac. Search the Kondiac Times database to find articles and pictures and solve the mystery

The Kuolema, by Ben Jackson
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

This game has now been entirely 'remastered' in Twine. An abandoned ship is found adrift in the South China Sea. Its radio is silent and there's no sign of anyone on board. As a lone operative, you are...

The Lab, by Anonymous
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Labyrinth of Loci, by anbrewk
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

“What distinguishes a memory palace from a memory labyrinth is that each place of memory in a palace is intended to be found, while in a labyrinth the structure is more than a means of storage: it is a way...

The Lair of Mr. Ed, by Nate Segerlind
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

"...Infuriated by Mr. Ed's evil deeds, you set out at once to find the whereabouts of this Mr. Ed guy. It turns out that he dwells in a heavily guarded fortress in the middle of a thick forest so you ask...
The Lair of Mutants, by Evan Hodson
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
As you scan the lists of available guests at the Main Hall you are approached by what appears to be a wizard. "You seem to be a brave and doughty warrior," he says. "Could I enlist your help? It is for the...
The Lair of the Minotaur, by Donald Brown
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)
What respectable castle doesn't have a minotaur pit to throw meddlesome thieves into? And you might just be mistaken for one of those thieves. This is one of the earliest Eamon adventures, written by Donald...

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