Polls with votes for Spellbreaker
Go to this game's overview1–10 of 10Games where deliberately losing/dying/losing an item advances the plot -
19 votes for 15 games; created July 30, 2023A poll by
Andrew SchultzThe meaning of "deliberately" can be a bit broad, but I'm wondering about cases where an action clearly marked risky or fatal helps you...
Games Where the Title Is You -
57 votes for 46 games; created September 11, 2020A poll by
AKheonGames with a title that is the same as the main character.
The absolute hardest non-broken games you've played -
39 votes for 24 games; created September 23, 2017A poll by
MathBrushAfter reading Jason Dyer's post on his excellent adventure blog (at bluerenga.wordpress.com) about the hardest adventure ever (which I...
Bound by human frailties??? -
28 votes for 20 games; created June 23, 2010A poll by
StickzI'm looking for games where the PC is faced with needs like eating, sleeping, and thirst. Unusual inventory limitations. Things that make...
very hard games -
52 votes for 29 games; created January 16, 2010A poll by
aw1231I am look for the hardest IF games ever.
Birds in IF -
87 votes for 54 games; created November 8, 2009A poll by
WendymoonWhat games can you think of with birds in them? What's the bird? Is it important to the game?
Games with extraordinary "wow" moments -
59 votes for 23 games; created July 7, 2009A poll by
J'onn RogerIf there is a moment in a game that stands out to you with vivid clarity, a moment of extraordinary beauty with writing that makes you...
Multi-Part Games -
54 votes for 38 games; created June 10, 2009A poll by
BloodsongI was wondering just how many games out there, either completely text based, or text-adventure hybrids, are out there that involve a...
Really hard puzzle/adventure games -
40 votes for 20 games; created April 9, 2009A poll by
SiliusYou know like with lots of puzzles you have to solve.
Vivid games -
138 votes for 47 games; created March 8, 2009A poll by
Jeff SonasI'm looking for games that evoked strong feelings or strong mental images that stayed with you long after you finished the games.
1–10 of 10