Polls with votes for Barsoom Adventure #1: The Lost City
Go to this game's overview1–6 of 6Games part of an unfinished series -
44 votes for 28 games; created January 15, 2012A poll by
Jonathan BlaskI think it is both funny and interesting when games bill themselves as "Part # in the [blank] series" (and other games are never...
Games with misleading titles -
28 votes for 17 games; created July 17, 2011A poll by
CendareI was thinking about "Nothing But Mazes" and how it, in fact, contains things that aren't mazes. What other games have titles that don't...
Doing things backwards -
21 votes for 12 games; created December 3, 2010A poll by
Mike CiulGames that take traditional IF tasks and puzzles, and do them backwards or subvert them in a clever way. Thanks to olethros on raif for...
Bound by human frailties??? -
28 votes for 20 games; created June 23, 2010A poll by
StickzI'm looking for games where the PC is faced with needs like eating, sleeping, and thirst. Unusual inventory limitations. Things that make...
Birds in IF -
87 votes for 54 games; created November 8, 2009A poll by
WendymoonWhat games can you think of with birds in them? What's the bird? Is it important to the game?
Games with NPCs that tag along -
89 votes for 50 games; created February 12, 2009A poll by
GhalevList here any games that feature a (preferably memorable!) "sidekick" character - an NPC who follows the viewpoint character around for...
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