
Member since October 4, 2007
Last visited July 3, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): piuv5tdrdeocmgev

Recommended Lists by Cendare

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by Cendare

Games with misleading titles - 27 votes for 17 games; created July 17, 2011
I was thinking about "Nothing But Mazes" and how it, in fact, contains things that aren't mazes. What other games have titles that don't...

Reviews by Cendare

Magic Realms -- The Sword of Kasza, by James Mallette   January 14, 2009
"I can't remember anything about this game except that when I played it I really hated it, and wanted to write a scathing review for SPAG...." - See the full review

Cendare's Played Games List

Nothing But Mazes, by Greg Boettcher
Punk Points, by Jim Munroe
Worlds Apart, by Suzanne Britton
Gateway, by Mike Verdu, Michael Lindner, and Glen Dahlgren
Transfer, by Tod Levi

See all 13 entries in the Played List