Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle, by David Dyte, Steve Bernard, Dan Shiovitz, Iain Merrick, Liza Daly, John Cater, Ola Sverre Bauge, J. Robinson Wheeler, Jon Blask, Dan Schmidt, Stephen Granade, Rob Noyes, and Emily Short (2001) (111 ratings)
A story told at the crossroads of levity and destiny!
The Next Day, by Jonathan Blask (2013) (5 ratings) "Sometimes the time after is just as important as the time with." The Next Day is an experimental, slice-of-life mood piece.
Small game written for the PAX East 2011 Speed-IF. You play as a roguish space pirate in the future! Today, you're going to plunder a long lost museum devoted to interactive fiction.
"Few would accuse this game of having a great story. It's somewhat of a confusing hodgepodge of elements from preexisting games and movies..." - See the full review
"Escape from Ice Station Hippo was originally written to show off a Hugo pathfinding extension, but it joins the ranks of sample games..." - See the full review
"Years before “Doom” was associated with a hell-gate on a Martian moon, it stood for Doomawangara, a remote, dangerous planet that has..." - See the full review
"Years before “Doom” was associated with a hell-gate on a Martian moon, it stood for Doomawangara, a remote, dangerous planet that has..." - See the full review
"Years before “Doom” was associated with a hell-gate on a Martian moon, it stood for Doomawangara, a remote, dangerous planet that has..." - See the full review