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Contains Ghost town v1,05.taf
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Ghost Town

by Finn Rosenløv profile


(based on 1 rating)
1 review

About the Story

The premise of Ghost Town is to fulfill the final wishes of your Great Grandfather and inherit his entire estate and visit the abandoned gold mining town of Battle Creek.
It sounds like a simple task, until you begin to unravel the unsolved mystery of Battle Creek as you discover the morbid secrets of its morbid past...

Game Details


Winner, Game of the Year - InsideADRIFT Awards 2009


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Member Reviews

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Number of Reviews: 1
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3 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Ghost Town, November 28, 2009
by P/o Prune (Denmark)

Review by Nick:

Ghost Town by Cowboy is one of those landmark games in the ADRIFT community. It is the first complete game to fully embrace the graphic ability of ADRIFT.
With detailed artwork depicting the scene of every location, Ghost Town takes a step away from the usual IF medium of listing every object. Instead the Player must pay attention to the artwork to pick out things of interest that may or be not be included in the description. This adds a whole new dimension to gameplay while not detracting anything from the storyline.

The premise of Ghost Town is to fulfill the final wishes of your Great Grandfather and inherit his entire estate and visit the abandoned gold mining town of Battle Creek.
It sounds like a simple task, until you begin to unravel the unsolved mystery of Battle Creek as you discover the morbid secrets of its morbid past...

The puzzles in Ghost Town range in difficulty. Some require just a little common sense whilst others require some good old fashioned detective work and in-depth interaction with the environment.

The gameplay is not as linear as you might expect, with areas you might miss completely the first time you play.

This game is highly detailed and the effort which has been put in to cover every "default" ADRIFT response and every object and/or alias makes the occasional "missing capital letter" easily forgivable.

This is a must play for everyone and certainly for those who think if they’ve played one, they’ve played them all.
Ghost Town raises the bar in the ADRIFT community, so congratulations go to Cowboy, this game has been a long time coming, but well worth the wait.

Review by Mel S.
Taken from the Adrift adventure download page with permission from Mel S.

An epic adventure featuring a captivating story and some wonderful use of art. If you’re looking for a long, engaging Adrift experience, it’d be harder to find a better place to start than this.

Mel S

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