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Mike Russo reviews Sun And Moon: "An early ARG experiment" July 13, 2024
"[This review was written and originally posted on the raif newsgroups at the conclusion of the 2002 IFComp] A year or so ago, Electronic..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews Goofy: "A small custom parser java game about exploring an abandoned building" July 13, 2024
"This is one IFComp game I was never able to play due to its use of an outdated Java platform that you have to pay to download. I was able..." - See full review
Max Fog reviews Your World According to a Single Word: "Reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia for no reason whatsoever" July 13, 2024
"The game’s flow is interesting and yet captivating, picking between single-choices with massive texts of screen before them, and ones..." - See full review
Kastel reviews idle hands: "Intensity. Seduction. Taboo." July 13, 2024
"These are the three words that keep popping into my head as I read and re-read idle hands, a game about "idolatrous devil-fucking". I..." - See full review
Kastel reviews Kiss of Beth: "A strong debut title from an up-and-coming author" July 13, 2024
"Kiss of Beth is a debut game from Charm Cochran before they ever set foot in the interactive fiction community. The player character is a..." - See full review
Kastel reviews Look Around the Corner: "Too short a new day." July 13, 2024
"This game, for better or for worse, simulates the drudgery of waking up to a new day.

- See full review
Kastel reviews How Dare You: "No means no." July 13, 2024
"How Dare You puts the player in a strange situation: they must find the verbs that will hopefully resolve a potential breakup between the..." - See full review
Kastel reviews NYX: "A click that sparks many stories" July 13, 2024
"The premise of NYX is one that many science fiction and horror fans have heard over the years: the cosmic horror has taken over, and the..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews The Cross of Fire: "Sherlock Holmes becomes an action hero" July 13, 2024
"This game has been on my 'to play' list for several years. It was one of the earliest Spring Thing games, in fact one of 4 games in the..." - See full review
Jim Nelson reviews Meritocracy: "A sticky concept" July 13, 2024
"The packaging of Meritocracy is pure sugar to the likes of me. “A battle of the wits” over a topical philosophical concept—student vs...." - See full review
Tabitha / alyshkalia reviews Not Just Once: "A mysterious encounter" July 12, 2024
"I played Not Just Once back when it was first released and enjoyed it then, but encountered a few bugs. Having just played the updated..." - See full review
Jim Nelson reviews Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe: "Don't panic" July 12, 2024
"In some ways, the author of Milliways has put themself into a bind. The original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy might be the most..." - See full review
Laurie N reviews machina caerulea: "Knife-sharp Prose" July 11, 2024
"This is an incredibly stylish entry into several jams and I found it through the Neo-Twiny jam, specifically. I have a passing..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews All Through the Night: "A short and effective creepypasta" July 11, 2024
"I was looking back at my 'wishlist' and this game had been on there the longest, for most of a decade if I recall. I thought I'd finally..." - See full review
Tabitha / alyshkalia reviews Coloratura: "Story > gameplay" July 11, 2024
"The problem with hype is that it raises your expectations, and when the hyped thing fails to meet those expectations, it inhibits your..." - See full review
laurennovember reviews Superluminal Vagrant Twin: "Mysterious exploration that encourages outside-the-box thinking" July 11, 2024
"Easily one of the most engaging beginnings to an IF piece. It gets you right onto the journey of planetary exploration/hopping from the..." - See full review
Jim Nelson reviews LUNIUM: "A Victorian escape room" July 11, 2024
"I thoroughly enjoyed Ben Jackson’s Spring Thing effort, The Kuolema, and deduced from Lunium’s cover art that he’d produced another..." - See full review
manonamora reviews Ashes: "Fixing time and space or..." July 10, 2024
"Ashes is a sci-fi text adventure written in Inklewriter, where you follow Josh and Aria, two space-travellers landing on Earth and..." - See full review
manonamora reviews Corps Brulés: "Fun mystery, interesting gameplay" July 10, 2024
"Corps Brulés is a mystery game made in INK, where you play as some sort of investigator/detective on holidays. Coming across three burnt..." - See full review
manonamora reviews La fonte du monde: "A fantasy text adventure focused on Dragons" July 10, 2024
"La fonte du monde is a fantasy textual adventure in Inklewriter, when you incarnate Voulks Mirmabull, a great dragon who's destiny seems..." - See full review
A new listing for //, by Mx. Dietrich Squinkifer July 10, 2024
MathBrush reviews Zugzwang: "Fantasy chess battles in miniature" July 10, 2024
"**Zugzwang** by Vanessa Jygon, Eleanor Jimmy This game was compact and fun. It feature a plus-sign shaped map. Movement is N/E/S/W, but..." - See full review
Jim Nelson reviews Barcarolle in Yellow: "A stylish and ambitious miss" July 10, 2024
"Film noir and gritty crime movies are a passion for me, and so the cover and blurb for Barcarolle in Yellow hooked me. The cover is a..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews The English Restaurant: "A full-sentence parser that struggles with simple commands" July 9, 2024
"I've played a lot of Perplexity games over the years (well, I can remember 2 or 3). But something seems to have gone wrong with the..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews 19 Once: "Short conversation puzzle game" July 9, 2024
"I saw spoilers already on this games secret, but I've only played this game for now so I'll judge it on its own. It's a fun parser game..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews Project Postmortem: "Brief investigation game" July 9, 2024
"Gamefic! I remember a Gamefic game in my first IFComp, Second Story, I remember the parser being better than many custom systems. This..." - See full review
Tabitha / alyshkalia reviews WHOM I SHOULD LOVE ABOVE ALL THINGS: "For I have sinned" July 9, 2024
"This is a brief excerpt from a longer work-in-progress that packs a lot into its short space. We, the readers, watch the scene unfold in..." - See full review
A new listing for Dinner At Suzanne's, by jwfreeman July 8, 2024
Suzanna, your coworker from the call center, and her partner David told you to stop by for dinner this evening, but there's two problems. 1. You're terribly awkward in most social interactions. 2. You're a...
Dan Fabulich reviews My Girl: "A well-written non-interactive short story" July 8, 2024
"Non-interactive, except for page turns. The pacing is good, and the story is solid."
Dan Fabulich reviews the sea god: "A lovely little interactive poem" July 8, 2024
"It's a poem. You interact with it with arrow keys, bumping into hotspots to see what they say. The poem is good, and the Bitsy UI and..." - See full review
Dan Fabulich reviews The English Restaurant: "Doesn't work" July 8, 2024
"It's designed to allow you to practice English, it says. I'm a native English speaker and tried to type reasonable responses to the..." - See full review
Dan Fabulich reviews Project Postmortem: "Not much to it" July 8, 2024
"This is a minigame with one puzzle. The puzzle has decent clues and a solid solution. I'd say that this game is a good start, and I'd..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews PARANOIA: "A nervewracking game" July 8, 2024
"This game is pretty different from most other parser games. In it, you are part of a yes-no experiment. You are placed in a room with..." - See full review
A new listing for The English Restaurant, by Eric Zinda July 8, 2024
Practice your English in a restaurant!
A new listing for Project Postmortem, by Gamefic July 8, 2024
Professor Murphy learned something he wasn't supposed to know. Someone's willing to kill to keep it secret.
A new competition page: Nouvim 3000 - 2024 edition created July 8, 2024
La NOUVIM 3000, 6e édition ! 1. Quoi ? Pour quand ? Un mois pour réaliser une toute petite aventure textuelle de 501 à 3000 mots ! On cherche ici avant tout des aventures hypertextes à la Twine (mais pouvant...
A new competition page: ParserComp 2024 created July 8, 2024
ParserComp is for previously unreleased, parser-based text games: games which take a free-text input, parse it, and produce an output which typically is more text.
A new listing for Terra's Leap : Un rêve incombustible, by Terra's Leap July 8, 2024
Elio vis sa vie quotidiennement en enrichissant le fait de pouvoir un jour retrouver la Terre. Elio est un garçon qui vit dans une colonie humain à des années lumière de la terre. Cela fait des générations...
A new listing for La réclusion de Callisto, by Otto Grimwald July 8, 2024
Un livre dont vous êtes le narrateur. Cette aventure textuelle est un hommage aux livres-jeux des années 80 et 90 (LDVELH), aussi elle a été pensée en terme de paragraphes immuables, et non pas comme un...
A new listing for Biblioflam, by Wilem Ortiz July 8, 2024
Vous devez récupérer un livre non rendu depuis trois ans, auprès d'une "créature" Fraîchement engagé⋅e par la bibliothèque incombustible, vous devrez récupérer un livre non rendu depuis trois ans, auprès...
A new listing for Baston ou Ruse : L'Épopée de Krug, by Tarhuin July 8, 2024
Eul'jeu c'est comme un truc d'orientation pro, mais pour les orks ! " Oi toi ! T'as jamais rêvé d'savoir c'que tu pourrais faire d'ta vie d'ork ? Eul'jeu c'est comme un truc d'orientation pro, mais pour les...
A new listing for L’Incombustible 3000, by manonamora July 8, 2024
À bord de l’Incombustible 3000, vous êtes P-Rix, le pilote tâché de livrer ce merveilleux vaisseau (en une pièce) à son propriétaire. Le long trajet (déjà un mois) s’est plus ou moins passé sans soucis. Du...
A new listing for Susi, by Hefka Games July 8, 2024
Qu'est-ce qui est vraiment incombustible ? Un petit jeu textuel à propos d'une IA loup.
A new listing for Ashes, by encoretoisnake July 8, 2024
Plongez dans une aventure entre l'espace et le temps, où chacun de vos choix peut vous maintenir en vie où vous mener à un destin tragique !
A new listing for L'abribus, by Pierre Poulard July 8, 2024
Incarnez une entité qui agira sur le futur d'anonymes dans un abribus L'abribus est un court récit où l'on rencontre différents personnages dans un abribus. Pouvoirs magiques, scènes contemplatives et choix...
A new listing for Corps Brulés, by Selsynn July 8, 2024
Alors que vous êtes en vacances, vous tombez sur trois corps brulés et non reconnaissables. Saurez-vous découvrir ce qui s'est passé ?
A new listing for La fonte du monde, by HerzEngel July 8, 2024
manonamora reviews Daidala: "A text-adventure in a dark cave" July 8, 2024
"Daidala is a short text-adventure in Twine, where you play as an adventurer (archaeologist?*) waking up in a dark cave after a fall. You..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews The Mysterious Cave: "A brief Adventuron game that could be tuned up into something pretty cool" July 8, 2024
"This is a brief Adventuron game with some fun graphics that seem custom-made and a few rooms. I was able to complete it very quickly...." - See full review
A new listing for The Mysterious Cave, by Ragi July 8, 2024
Story: You wake up to find yourself in the middle of a dense, mysterious forest. The air is thick with the scent of pine and wildflowers, and a gentle breeze rustles through the leaves above. As you stand up...

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