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IFDB Top 100 - 100 items   July 22, 2024
A list by Pegbiter
An automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...

Free IF Playoffs - 64 items   June 13, 2024
A list by OtisTDog
A fan-driven tournament held at between the 64 highest-rated games on IFDB as of June 7, 2024.

Dueling With Dragons - 13 items   March 27, 2024
A list by Walter Sandsquish
Dragons are a favorite in fantastic fiction, but they don't get as much love in I.F. as they used to. So, here's a list of games that...

Solid Favorites - 18 items   October 13, 2023
A list by egostat
I was going to make an "All-time Favorites" list, but that's quite a burdensome title, so I decided to make a "Solid Favorites" list...

2023 Alternative Top 100 - 100 items   September 18, 2023
A list by Denk
(18sep2023) This is an alternative to other rating based lists with pros and cons in that it allows for games with fewer ratings (5...

Follow your nose! - 3 items   July 28, 2023
A list by palindrome
Games that allow the player to investigate with more than just their eyes.

Rovarsson's Superlative Games - 25 items   May 11, 2023
A list by Rovarsson
Only supercalifragilisticexpialidocious games on this list.

2020 Alternative Top 100 - 101 items   January 25, 2023
A list by Denk
(Created 24-Jul-2020) The purpose of this list is not to compete with the IFDB Top 100 but to provide an alternative view, which makes...

Viv’s top 10 favourite IF games - 10 items   November 12, 2022
A list by Vivienne Dunstan
This is a list of my top 10 favourite IF games, in chronological order of release. There are many other games that I think are fantastic,...

Some of my favorites - 29 items   December 5, 2021
A list by OverThinking
In alphabetical order

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