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Original Level 9 clue sheet
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by Pete Austin

Part of Level 9

(based on 4 ratings)
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About the Story

Alan Chance was on an undercover mission, trying to infiltrate a drugs gang. All was going well, but then something or someone alerted the gangsters and they killed Alan and escaped, taking his colleague Sarah as a hostage. His fellow police falsely blame a mistake of Alan's for tipping off the criminals.

Alan has three nights as a ghost to disprove this false accusation, clear his name and gain revenge. Use his detective skills and growing spirit powers to delay the gangsters, track down their new hideout and bring them to justice.

Game Details

Editorial Reviews

Scapeghost was the last game Level 9 wrote before they withdrew from the adventure market, and evidence of their previous experience is obvious. The parser understands pretty much anything you type in; you can use the command "FIND" or "GO TO" to take you to any object in the game, and you can order around characters in the standard fashion (e.g. "JOE, RUN TO MY GRAVE, WAIT FOR ANDY, FIND THE WATCH, GET IT, FIND ME"), although whether they actually do it is another thing. [...] Scapeghost is a truly classic game let down by a poor first part and some very brief location descriptions.

-- J. J. Farmer
See the full review

The majority of problems require you to befriend another character and get them to help you in some way, which usually involves you all performing a specific action in the same turn. Players of Knight Orc, Gnome Rangers I and II and the awful Lancelot will know what I mean. It makes the game feel EXACTLY the same as their previous efforts and thus makes the game tedious and linear in its solving.

-- Roy Sims
See the full review

It's not easy being a ghost, betrayed to a criminal gang and falsely blamed for your own death and when they escape with an hostage. [...] This is perhaps the best from Level 9 Computing and has superb graphics, and is a three part adventure.

-- Kedenan
See the full review


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Scapeghost on IFDB

Recommended Lists

Scapeghost appears in the following Recommended Lists:

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The following polls include votes for Scapeghost:

Wandering NPCs by Fredrik
I have always been fascinated with games that have several wandering and independent NPCs, especially when you have the ability to try to order them around. This sets the stage for a game where no one session is like any other, and even...

forgotten gems by Marius Müller
I'm looking for games that don't show up in the IF histories or recommended lists, for what reason whatsover. Old games that maybe weren't boundary-pushing or noteworthy, but still give you a fun play experience. If you ever thought...

The great puzzlefests by Victor Gijsbers
Playing Curses!, I started wondering which games belong to the canon of great puzzlefests. With this term I mean puzzle based games that are long, difficult and punishing; but also fair, engaging and truly rewarding to work through. The...

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