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by aliason


1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

"You are a transgender woman and you need a job to survive."
Printjob is a visceral horror novel game. Experience the thrills of applying for a job, using a computer, and performing tasks of labour!
Content warning: Printjob contains strong adult language and written vivid depictions of gore.
Written for the Dialogue Game Jam in a month, estimated play time is 15 minutes.
Created using Narrat (https://narrat.dev/)


Disqualified - Dialogue Jam 2024

Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Will you be a good cog or a rebelling cog?, May 11, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: dialoguejam

Printjob is a horror short game about “labour and machinery” wherein you play as a job-seeker filling an application at the conglomerate Heavex. Soon, you a offered a job and must discover what your purpose in this company ends up being. What kind of cog will you become in this organisation?

The tension builds slowly, with you disregarding any potential red flag because you really need this job, before settling in and spreading all around you, taking over you. It is visceral and bleak, and with no option of escaping. For your job matters more than you, whatever that job ends up being.

However, as good of a job it does in the horror department, there is quite little dialogue. Most of the text is narrated, describing your situation rather than conversing, even describing past conversation rather than playing them out. I do wonder how more powerful it could have been had the entry followed the rule of the jam more closely…

Also makes me wonder whether it was influenced by The Stanley Parable game, it definitely has this vibe.

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