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Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant

by D. A. Leary

(based on 8 ratings)
2 reviews14 members have played this game. It's on 12 wishlists.

About the Story

"You play the role of a down-and-out Acme salesman, forced to work out of the Golden Dragon Inn, dangerously near Dread Unnkulia. Will you accumulate enough loot in this frightful backwater berg to turn your fortunes in your favor?" [author's blurb, from The (Other) TADS Games List version 1.2]

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Don't make my mistake!, August 18, 2024*

I overall enjoyed this game--two of the puzzles were particularly fun ((Spoiler - click to show)wacky navigation!), and overall it wasn't very hard (although I did peek at the walkthrough once or twice). You have a clear goal and get to explore a limited space and collect items in order to accomplish it.

However, I had nearly completed the game when I discovered that I'd softlocked myself early on. (I also did so another way mid-game, but it was easy enough to go back to an earlier save.) Lacking the motivation to completely start over, I just read the ending in the ClubFloyd transcript. And now I'm mostly writing this review in hopes of saving futures players from my fate!

The big softlock: (Spoiler - click to show)Selling the pillow to the thugs too early. This should be the last thing you do, not the first! (The reason being, (Spoiler - click to show)if you go back to that area after selling it to them, they'll kill you on sight, and you need to go there at the end of the game to (Spoiler - click to show)put the egg in a nest in a tree there.) If you're stuck on how to progress initially, (Spoiler - click to show)take a closer look at the inn's back room.

Another potential softlock at the beginning is (Spoiler - click to show)eating the egg. Don't eat it!!

* This review was last edited on September 19, 2024
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A juvenile short Unnkulia game advertising Unnkulia Zero, April 29, 2016

The Unnkulia games were a series of popular games that filled the gap between the end of Infocom and the beginning of the IFComp/XYZZY Award era.

After Unnkulia 1 and 2, the developers made a prequel called Unnkulia Zero, and released this game as a sort of advertisement for the new game. It hints at events in Unnkulia 0 and sets up the events of the original game. It is short and easy.

Like all the games, this is juvenile. You carry a condom made of swiss Cheez, you let a little girl (Spoiler - click to show)drown due to foolish beliefs,

It's not very large, and fairly easy. You find four keys, then you find some treasure and put it back.

If you want to try out an Unnkulia game, this is the easiest and shortest of the bunch.

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4 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

A freeware dungeon crawl written as an advertisement for the shareware game Unnkulia Zero (now available as freeware as well). In a bit of role-reversal, you play the Acme salesman assigned to the Valley King's realm. You must collect enough treasure to buy the local inn (thus creating the conditions in Unnkulia 1. A small and simple game, but enjoyable. Written entirely from the Acme point of view (cynicism, stupidity, and terrible taste).

-- Carl Muckenhoupt


You find enough objects of value to please the Innkeeper. The puzzles are logical and not hard. (Audrey A. DeLisle)
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As the story progressed, and the PC got his prescribed portion of kicks and socks, I noticed that, instead of laughing, I started to feel pity for the poor guy. [...] Fortunately for Unnkulia 1/2, Mr. Leary's sense of humour (which, admittedly, remains up to the mark) finds other outlets than derision of the PC, so that the game had its enjoyable moments, after all. (Valentine Kopteltsev)
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Adventions have used The Salesman Triumphant as a proving ground and a way of becoming familiar with the new version [of TADS]. Although not a very big adventure it fits in well with the gameworld which ardent Unnkulia fans are already familiar with and whets one's appetite for Unnkulia Zero. It achieves all these objectives as well as demonstrating Leary's off-the-wall sense of humour to players coming new to this great series.
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