Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphantby D. A. LearyEpisode 3 of the Unnkulian series 1993 Fantasy, Satire TADS 2
I overall enjoyed this game--two of the puzzles were particularly fun ((Spoiler - click to show)wacky navigation!), and overall it wasn't very hard (although I did peek at the walkthrough once or twice). You have a clear goal and get to explore a limited space and collect items in order to accomplish it.
However, I had nearly completed the game when I discovered that I'd softlocked myself early on. (I also did so another way mid-game, but it was easy enough to go back to an earlier save.) Lacking the motivation to completely start over, I just read the ending in the ClubFloyd transcript. And now I'm mostly writing this review in hopes of saving futures players from my fate!
The big softlock: (Spoiler - click to show)Selling the pillow to the thugs too early. This should be the last thing you do, not the first! (The reason being, (Spoiler - click to show)if you go back to that area after selling it to them, they'll kill you on sight, and you need to go there at the end of the game to (Spoiler - click to show)put the egg in a nest in a tree there.) If you're stuck on how to progress initially, (Spoiler - click to show)take a closer look at the inn's back room.
Another potential softlock at the beginning is (Spoiler - click to show)eating the egg. Don't eat it!!
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