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When the Millennium Made Marvelous Moves

by Michael Baltes

Slice of life, Crime, Time Travel

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About the Story

Finley is living in a small flat with Johanna, awaiting the wonders of the fabulous Millennium's Eve. Their expectations are all but high, so they're planning at least to go for a drink after work, apart from all the big celebration parties. But life has other plans for them. They both have something to learn this evening and somehow Fortune was willing to give them more than one chance to find their luck.



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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: TADS 3
IFID: 2C2F18D9-CD59-4425-8BEF-F3232DF9600B
TUID: s7hvl6vcmhnd4yaw

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