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I Think The Waves Are Watching Me

by Bob McCabe

(based on 8 ratings)
1 review10 members have played this game. It's on 5 wishlists.

About the Story

In a mysterious, dream-like world, enormous tidal waves have surrounded an island -- trapping you along with many others. And then the killing starts. What are you going to do? Better decide quickly. You have two hours left and the clock is ticking.

This game contains random stories, random people, random outcomes, and "achievements" that make it highly replayable and rewards you with multiple endings.


31st Place - 21st Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2015)

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A bizarre game with great depth and replay value and tricky UI, April 5, 2018*
Related reviews: 2-10 hours

This was one of the few IFComp 2015 games that I never reviewed. On my old laptop, it wouldn't even run; every page of text would be immediately erased.

It works on my new laptop, though. And what an unusual game it is.

It runs in a command-prompt type window, and uses single-letter commands with occasional typing of names and numbers.

It is a surreal game, with huge standing waves surrounding a 25-location town and people getting murdered left and right, each murder announced by red lightning.

A hallucinogenic bunny hops around guiding you.

I've never come close to finding the murderer, but I've discovered many of the game's secrets over my 4 playthroughs. The best involved a tightly-timed sequence at a bar leading to a length CYOA sequence.

This is a game with several flaws, such as the fact that you can't scroll back through text due to it disappearing, and it's incredibly easy to hit a button and miss a whole page of text. There is no save command.

But these flaws enhance it; it makes you approach the game more cautiously. This game is a masterpiece in a way. But it requires length play.

* This review was last edited on April 6, 2018
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1 Off-Site Review

Rock, Paper, Shotgun
A story of paranoia, mystery and a bizarre improvised currency.
See the full review


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Game Details

First Publication Date: October 1, 2015
Current Version: Unknown
IFID: Unknown
TUID: qkmbakc8sta6e35b

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