This was one of the few IFComp 2015 games that I never reviewed. On my old laptop, it wouldn't even run; every page of text would be immediately erased.
It works on my new laptop, though. And what an unusual game it is.
It runs in a command-prompt type window, and uses single-letter commands with occasional typing of names and numbers.
It is a surreal game, with huge standing waves surrounding a 25-location town and people getting murdered left and right, each murder announced by red lightning.
A hallucinogenic bunny hops around guiding you.
I've never come close to finding the murderer, but I've discovered many of the game's secrets over my 4 playthroughs. The best involved a tightly-timed sequence at a bar leading to a length CYOA sequence.
This is a game with several flaws, such as the fact that you can't scroll back through text due to it disappearing, and it's incredibly easy to hit a button and miss a whole page of text. There is no save command.
But these flaws enhance it; it makes you approach the game more cautiously. This game is a masterpiece in a way. But it requires length play.