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Chemistry and Physics

by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel) profile and Carolyn VanEseltine profile

(based on 21 ratings)
4 reviews26 members have played this game. It's on 16 wishlists.


Nominee, Best Individual Puzzle - 2013 XYZZY Awards

2nd Place - Ectocomp 2013

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 21 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 4

3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Tension-filled chase in a lab, January 27, 2016
by verityvirtue (London)

When you agreed to meet him, you thought it would all end amicably. That you could go away and close this chapter of your life. Instead, you're now running from him. Bad news: no cell phone reception. You can't call for help. You're stuck. Good news: this is familiar territory. This is your lab. Can you get out of this alive?

Be warned: this game contains mentions of abuse and violence.

The game is simply done and technically well-thought-out, with an inventory system and a navigation system using a compass, a la The Axolotl Project. Item descriptions of things in the lab reveal a close attention to accuracy and detail; you can pick up a beaker of isopropyl and trust that the information you get will be like something you might find on an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

The writing steers clear of florid detail or elaborate tricks with language, instead reminding the player of the urgency of the chase at every other turn ("He's near"). Some might find it too technical or clinical; I found it struck a good balance.

Chemistry and Physics uses no fancy tricks, does nothing neat with multimedia, but instead relies on the strength of its writing to convey the animal fear of being chased.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A puzzly Twine game about escaping a psycho in a laboratory, February 27, 2016

This Ectocomp game was a speed-IF, but it turned out really well. An abusive boyfriend chases you into a laboratory, where you have to run around in the darkness, hiding, distracting, and trying to get out.

The writing is compelling and creepy, and the puzzle of surviving was good enough to get it nominated for an XYZZY for Best Individual Puzzle.

Overall, great for horror/stalker fans.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Creepy, well-done, November 4, 2013*
by streever (America)

I'm slightly biased against twine style games, but this is done well, and feels more like a traditional parser-based IF in the interaction and mechanics of the central puzzle.

I think there should be a trigger warning: it is about a violently abusive man, but this is a good game with excellent writing.

Very fair, and very consistent. There were no short-comings or technical flaws I found.

* This review was last edited on November 5, 2013
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