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Page Update History

v.9: 02-Mar-2024 22:59 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed description
v.8: 02-Mar-2024 22:59 - JTN
Changed description, download links
v.7: 27-Jun-2020 22:48 - Denk
Changed development system
  v.6: 05-Sep-2018 21:21 - CiberSheep
Changed IFIDs
v.5: 19-May-2013 10:07 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.4: 19-May-2013 10:06 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.3: 13-Jan-2009 13:42 - Fredrik
Changed external review links
v.2: 18-Apr-2008 12:31 - Emily Short
Changed cover art
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:49 - IFDB
Created page

2 Off-Site Reviews


Never has so much been packed on so few chips for so many. Knight Orc is so complex it's an absolute pleasure to play - not so much a game, more of a book in which you can write your own ending. The text is beautifully-written, both interesting and informative story; the vocabulary is extremely user-friendly and 'real' sentences or even paragraphs can be constructed. But what makes Knight Orc so atmospheric is the number of characters roaming about the place - they don't just exist as in most adventures, they actually have lives all of their own, just as much as the player.
See the full review

The puzzles, jokes, characters and parser are all up to par with the best that Infocom had to offer. I suspect that this game did not receive the props that it should have due to its subject manner -- playing the "bad guy" didn't really become in style until "Syndicate." While Grindleguts is a greedy, violent, angry little pit he is also a character worthy of our respect. Especially among the piles of spods he's running around with. I suspect that the background characters in Knight Orc are set to mirror the kind of individuals we (the gaming community) can't -- in theory -- stand or relate to in real life. Jocks, Girls, urchins, soldiers... one can make the argument that when they are in our world (a game) they should be the outsiders. Knight Orc describes them with as much distaste as we normally get in "their" environments. Bloody fabulous.
See the full review

Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
License: Former commercial
Baf's Guide ID: 1273
IFIDs:  LEVEL9-011-1
TUID: laiyfhqfopw0x9r6