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Page Update History

v.38: 30-May-2023 22:35 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.37: 30-May-2023 22:34 - JTN
Changed external review links
v.36: 30-May-2023 22:32 - JTN
Changed external review links
v.35: 08-Feb-2023 04:52 - Dannii
Changed download links
v.34: 08-Feb-2023 04:49 - Dannii
Changed download links
v.33: 17-Sep-2022 11:06 - autumnc
Changed external review links
v.32: 12-May-2022 18:42 - onebrownfinch
Changed IFIDs
v.31: 06-May-2022 01:06 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.30: 11-Jan-2022 23:47 - Iris Hodges
Changed forgiveness
v.29: 26-Sep-2021 20:07 - Zape
Changed download links
v.28: 21-Mar-2021 07:48 - Dan Fabulich
Changed description
v.27: 15-Apr-2020 14:44 - Lance Campbell
Changed external review links
v.26: 18-Dec-2017 06:35 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language
v.25: 05-Apr-2017 17:57 - Doug Orleans
Changed external review links
v.24: 24-May-2016 15:00 - Doug Orleans
Changed external review links
v.23: 22-Dec-2015 13:20 - Digger
Changed IFIDs
v.22: 24-Oct-2015 10:37 - Adam Cadre
Changed download links
v.21: 24-Oct-2015 10:29 - Adam Cadre
Changed download links
v.20: 24-Oct-2015 10:27 - Adam Cadre
Changed download links
v.19: 24-Oct-2015 10:24 - Adam Cadre
Changed download links
v.18: 05-Sep-2014 11:35 - realsonic
Changed download links
v.17: 23-Sep-2013 15:38 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.16: 22-Sep-2013 10:36 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.15: 23-May-2013 03:22 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.14: 20-Mar-2013 12:26 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
  v.13: 03-Mar-2013 07:27 - Edward Lacey
Changed description, external review links
v.12: 10-Aug-2010 13:23 - Dave Chapeskie
Changed download links
v.11: 22-Sep-2009 22:10 - Dannii
Changed download links
v.10: 22-Sep-2009 07:05 - Jordan Magnuson
Changed external review links
v.9: 07-Feb-2009 04:19 - Adam Cadre
Changed cover art, description
v.8: 09-May-2008 11:31 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.7: 05-Apr-2008 11:35 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.6: 11-Mar-2008 19:04 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.5: 28-Feb-2008 09:42 - Eriorg
Changed author
v.4: 24-Feb-2008 20:29 - Adam Cadre
Changed cover art
v.3: 24-Feb-2008 20:26 - Adam Cadre
Changed cover art, publication date, Web site URL
v.2: 17-Oct-2007 10:25 - yandexx
Changed download links
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:49 - IFDB
Created page

5 Off-Site Reviews

Play This Thing
Photopia made me cry.

That's not something I say often. I don't think any other work of art has ever affected me to the extent that Photopia has.
See the full review

>VERBOSE -- Paul O'Brian's Interactive Fiction Page

The colors, like everything else in Photopia, worked beautifully, adding artfully to the overall impact of the story. The work is interactive in other important ways as well. In fact, in many aspects Photopia is a metanarrative about the medium of interactive fiction itself. Again, it wasn't until the end of the story that I understood why it had to be told as interactive fiction. And again, to explain the reason would be too much of a spoiler. I have so much more I want to talk about with Photopia, but I can't talk about it until you've played it. Go and play it, and then we'll talk. I promise, you'll understand why everyone has been so impatient. You'll understand why I loved it, and why I think it's one of the best pieces of interactive fiction ever to be submitted to the competition.
See the full review

Necessary Games
Photopia: Not a Mediocre Short Story
Does Photopia deserve to be so hallowed as it is? Quantitatively, that question may be hard to tackle. In my mind, though, the game does, without a doubt, deserve to be hallowed to some degree. It is historically important both as a work of interactive fiction and as a game, for its numerous technical innovations, and for its minimalist interactive component that makes it such a great example of a �limiting case game.� Whether Photopia succeeds on the affective level is open for debate, but my opinion and your opinion notwithstanding, the fact that it clearly does succeed with so many people is a strong testament to Adam Cadre�s ability to innovate and impact all in the same breath.
See the full review

Brass Lantern

[...] the overall layout of the story appears to be a complex weave, where you travel along the thread as it makes its way in one direction, turns around and comes back, crossing the previous parts of the weave and then continues. [...] In summary, this game is like an interactive story nestled inside another. A russian doll. A woven russian doll at that.
See the full review

[Reviews by Paul O'Brian, Duncan Stevens, Brian Blackwell and David Ledgard]
See the full review

Game Details