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by Simon Christiansen profile

(based on 30 ratings)
3 reviews34 members have played this game. It's on 42 wishlists.

About the Story

Do you have what it takes to be an Associate Information Management Consultant with one of the world's largest information management companies? Can you leverage synergies with the best to operationalize our global market traction? If you were a bear, would you be an American Black Bear or a Siberian Brown bear? If the answer is Yes, apply today!


Nominee, Best Use of Innovation - 2014 XYZZY Awards

4th Place - 20th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2014)

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 30 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting faux-work-from-home-site about subversives, September 16, 2015*

This game seemed huge at first, so I was worried, but it got fastee over time. Altogether about 2 hours play time at most.

You 'sign up' to work with a company who investigates subversives. Yojreadreports and make recommendations. Weird stuff creeps in.

My ending was funny and enjoyable. The game is a good satire of office life.

Replay value seems low, as you can't save anywhere, so you have to replay a lot.

I enjoyed this game.

* This review was last edited on February 3, 2016
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0 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Technically Well-Done Game, November 16, 2014
by Daemon Pyrate ( Optional. For example, "San Diego, California," "Barcelona, Spain")

The faux future website gimmick is cute and it works really well. Unfortunately, it has really really really terrible background textures. I couldn't read anything without blocking them out with AdBlock.

The outsourced surveillance idea was good, but it the dialogue is far too 2014 to work forty years in the future. Burgess knew all about that when he wrote Clockwork Orange. It also grates on the nerves.

"Cédric: Did you just say oh-em-gee out loud?"

That's just bad. Reading this awful dialogue was tiresome and the game quickly got boring-- to the point where I was flagging and deleting stuff randomly like Yossarian in Catch-22. That being said, this line broke me up: "I dated a computer scientist once. Never again."

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0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Fun, November 19, 2018*

This game was fun. But replaying is pretty tedious.

* This review was last edited on November 20, 2018
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3 Off-Site Reviews

The Guardian
This simulation of a corporate training and remote working website is so real it hurts, from the obtuse, jargon-jangling training exercises to the awkward inter-office social event invitations. The twist is you work as a snitch, surveilling and rumbling (probably) harmless citizens for supposed revolutionary behavior. Can you do the right thing, or will you just nod, smile, and volunteer to bring a spatula to the office potluck?
See the full review

In the web-based game AlethiCorp, you apply for a job at an “information management company” and access a faux employee portal where your job is to read surveillance transcripts and flag suspicious behavior.
See the full review

Digra 2017
Intranet Art: Alethicorp & the Satire of Protocol
...the game offers an important critical reading not only of digital capitalism’s ‘structure of feeling’, but of the specific textual
strategies that its author employs, in order to convey this reading to the game’s players.
See the full review


Public Domain DedicationAugust 16, 2020

The source code for AlethiCorp is now in the Public Domain, available above.

Please note that this does not include the logo and illustrations, which still belongs to the artists.
Reported by Simon Christiansen | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Source code now publicJanuary 18, 2015
The AlethiCorp GitHub repository is now public. Check out the source code at https://github.com/SimonChris/AlethiCorp.
Reported by Simon Christiansen | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Walkthrough is now availableJanuary 13, 2015
A walkthrough for AlethiCorp is now available http://simonchris.itch.io/alethicorp. The walkthrough contains detailed instructions on how to reach all the endings in the game, while seeing most of the content along the way. If you enjoyed the game, please consider making a donation.
Reported by Simon Christiansen | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
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