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Clarence Street, 14.

by manonamora profile

(based on 4 ratings)
2 reviews4 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

Leya looked furtively around her....
Clarence Street, 14, is just ahead.
... what if someone sees her.

A short story made in Twine, in 3h.


Entrant - Neo-Twiny Jam

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 4 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Lost in the shuffle with all the Neo Twiny Jam late entries, August 28, 2023
by Andrew Schultz (Chicago)
Related reviews: Neo Twiny Jam

Near the end of Neo Twiny Jam, a lot of people submitted games, and my goal of reviewing half the games before the end went kaput. On balance, this is a good thing. More to review later. But given my goals, it felt like I had something taken away from me, even though I really hoped to see as many entries as possible.

Clarence Street, 14 was one of those. In fact, it seems to be bit hard by coming in before the final wave, so if you look at games submitted by reverse date, it's not easy to see. But the title intrigued me.

You see, the title gives more mystery for an American reader, since we don't have very many addresses here under 100. The most notable exception I remember is in the Chicago Loop, at State and Madison, which is officially the zero north and west point. As you go further north, Lake Michigan moves west. Until then, posh stores give way to mansions, which give way to a park. And of course 10 Downing Street is a famous foreign address.

So the story had a good bit of mystery from me just reading the title. And it kept up through, for 500 words. What is it? What is the character doing there? And why? This is revealed at the end.

I liked how the tension built, and I liked how things seemed legitimately different after the reveal, which felt more than fair and logical. I saw the character in a different light, definitely. In fact I liked this better than Collision, which got a lot of deserved nice comments, because the surprise twist here felt a bit more real. They are both worth it. (The author had a third entry, too!) It certainly makes me want to work through other late entries to make sure I didn't miss anything else really good.

Semi-spoiler with meta-thoughts: (Spoiler - click to show)the character has gotten lost in the shuffle, like the game with all the other Neo Twiny entries. I won't say much more.

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A character study about a person stuck in a tough situation, July 30, 2023
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

This game was written for the Neo Twiny Jam in 500 words or less.

It's a simple story, mostly linear, with some hover-links.

But it depicts a part of life that many of us have experienced, when money is running tight and we have to make choices that might betray our values or require us to swallow our pride; the point where we have to admit that we can no long live by our own means.

Not a lot of structure here, but relatable and detailed.

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Game Details

Language: English, French (en, fr)
First Publication Date: June 29, 2023
Current Version: 2.0
Development System: Twine
IFID: BE8A9B87-E8C6-4B35-A288-2070B8E225DA
TUID: 8u7jw2gxr81ouoan

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